
How would you describe fertility treatment

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i know that you use it to get pregnant but what really is it




  1. There are two different fertility treatment. The first is with chlomid, a drug that stimulates the ovaries to produce more eggs. This is when the woman has viable eggs she just needs help with ovulation. The second is when the fertility specialist (RE) implants donated eggs fertilized with sperm into the woman's uterus bypassing the whole fertilization process in vivo (in the body) so it's called in vitro (outside the body) since the egg is being fertilized outside the body with sperm and implanted back into the woman's uterus. The third treatmeint is artificial insemination where the sperm is  injected into the woman generally bypassing the cervix, this is done when the cervix has an abundance of mucus that perhaps sperm cannot swim through. Any woman who chooses to have fertility treatments that require drugs and synthetic hormons should research the side effects first, there are many studies that link these drugs with uterine, ovarian, breast, and colon cancers. And those cancers that are linked to these drugs seem to be more invasive then women who get these cancers from other ways (genetic, environmental etc.)

  2. Expensive!

  3. There are many types of fertility treatments - it all depends on situations.  

  4. There are numerous procedures and drug therapies that can be used to treat infertility. Honestly, too many to summarize here.

  5. Read my free e-book:" 7 secrets on how to get pregnant"

    download from my site:

    It gives answers to all your questions on how to get pregnant.

    Love Angela

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