
. How would you describe kindergarten readiness to a parent considering “redshirting”?

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. How would you describe kindergarten readiness to a parent considering “redshirting”?




  1. I forgot what "redshirting" is too, but I'm thinking it means holding a child back so they will be more mature physically for sports.  I would encourage the parent to consider cognitive and social readiness first.  Remind them that their child will probably enjoy sports just for fun, and not as a career, so their education should not be based on sports.  If they model good sportsmanship and an enjoyment of sports, their child will accept sports in this light and will enjoy it too.  If they are going to push sports on the child, he/she may not even enjoy it.  What a shame that would be.

  2. It would be helpful to know why the parent is considering holding the child back.

    check these out:

  3. Better define "redshirting".  I have heard this expression before but forget what it means.

  4. A parent usually knows whether their child is ready for school or not.  If they do not feel the child is ready, then there is nothing wrong with holding  the student back for a year.  

    As far as readiness, it is not necessary that a child be able to read or write before starting kindergarten.  They need to know basic skills like how to sit still and listen,  how to obey a teacher,  how to use the restroom without help, and how to feed themselves.

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