
How would you describe "the human condition"?

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How would you describe "the human condition"?




  1. Suffering and despair with momentary lapses of rapture.

  2. I guess the first word that comes to my mind is... "incomplete." Although man is perfect is essence (pure consciousness) he has been caught up in the illusion of the physical senses and thinks that is the real life; however, all things physical are only temporary and an illusion.

    So the human condition is a "work in progress" as yet to be completed -- from being totally identified with the physical body as the "I" to becoming a consciously "aware" spiritual being, an awakened soul, or what I call "a living soul." This is the destiny of all human beings. I'm reminded of the Lotus flower: the seed is planted in the darkness of the soil and gradually it emerges into full bloom as a beautiful flower -- and so it is with the human condition which has yet to come into full awareness of the spiritual realities surrounding us.

  3. Learning how to be satisfied with our existence.

  4. It is Nasty, Brutish, Short, and totally Selfish.

  5. various...

  6. Unfortunate.

  7. mostly   self distracted  and   distructive   with no limite in sight..

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