
How would you describe the origins of life & human consciousness in terms of our physical relationships ... ??

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Here's the full Q: How would you describe the origins of life and human consciousness in terms of our physical relationships(ie connections) with the origin and evolution of the physical universe?

^^ HassaN ^^




  1. wow..........

    i have no idea, you are very smart,



  2. Not a very Romantic question...egghead!

    The answer is subjective and would require too much time and space for this venue.

    I'd say read the following and combine: Charles Darwin's "Origin of the Species", a book on metaphysics and Freud's theory on p***s envy.  

  3. The Force is an energy field that surrounds us and binds the Galaxy together.

    Want a tea biscuit?

  4. Like this:

    God created the universe for mankind.

    God Created mankind to communicate and fellowship with him.  Therefore mankind was designed for relationships within our universe and with the spiritual world.

    However, Mankind sinned and separated themselves from fellowship with God.

    But God saw that lack of fellowship was not good for man: "It is not good that man is alone".  Therefore, God said be fruitful and multiply.

    While we remain in separation from the fellowship of God, he has generously substitute that fellowship with our relationship for others (wife, children, family, friends).

    The evolution of this relationship is the result of sin.  God has generously covered this sin with his grace (Christ) and promised that one day he would restore fellowship with mankind.

  5. I would describe it as a ship's wheel.  

    Circular (origins of life) with spokes, (human consciousness) and handles (physical relationships) that turn to guide the ship (physical universe)

  6. cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

  7. The Good Lord is mysterious and powerful beyond comprehension.

    This makes my head hurt so early in the morning.

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