
How would you describe the political leadership in Kosovo today?

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Has the Kosovo Liberation Army successfully moved into the political mainstream and renounced violence?




  1. In short:Mafia clans.

  2. in matter of values usually people use sample , to have some idea to compare things or events .i will try to do it too :

    political leadership in Kosovo today is in highest level , comparing with some neighboring states . take as example serbia : most popular prime in recent years Zoran Djidjić is killed by government security forces , lot of abuse of power and government fonds , political instability , entire ex government in Hague ,  judging them for war crimes ...

    when we think about those events , Kosovo leadership are pure angels comparing with serbian leadership .

  3. Democratically elected by the majority. The KLA is disbanded and there is no need for them at this point. But have Serbian soldiers step south and into Kosovar territroty it can came back faster than  you can say "mamo milo".

  4. The KLA is composed of several criminal clans which base their ruling on terror (death, destruction) and corruption. Their main business is: prostitution, weapons and drugs. Violence is their modus vivendi.

    Their politicians are incompetent, but are backed up by enormous sums of money and NATO military power. Thus, they rely on "big brother" for any significant move out of their above mentioned domain.

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