
How would you describe your baby's personality?

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My 10-month old? Happy, hyper, and hungry all the time!!!! :)




  1. Happy, Social, Active (he's always on the move and getting into everything lol), and hungry (kid eats so much!) lol

  2. My 1 year old is bubbly, social and curious about everything. She's also a little dare-devil haha.

  3. Happy, nosy and always hungry.  

  4. My daughter is downright silly. She's always making funny sounds, babbling and 'talking' at her toys, laughing at the dog (even when he's just sitting there), and being a ham in general. She's definitely got her own sense of humor!

  5. He's totally laid back.  I call him my low maintenance baby.  Unlike my 1st child... who cried, fussed, wouldn't eat, and was cranky until he was about 10 months.  He had stomach problems though, so I can't blame him - I'd be crabby too!

  6. Happy, smiley, loving...he's 7 months

  7. My 10 week old is happy, smiley and chill. She never cries and sleeps through the night. she needs nonstop cuddles, which I am happy to provide, loves being in the sling, and eats like a champ. I couldn't be happier with her personality.  


  9. Loving this question!

    My 8 month old is curious, affectionate, and animated. He loves the ladies. He will kiss and hug anyone...but saves the best ones for Mama.

  10. My 3month old I'd say has a calm, happy, and laid back personality and she coos a lot so I'm expecting her to be a miss talks a lot as well.

  11. My little guy is very happy and laid back.  He harldy ever cries and loves to give smiles!  So far I have been very lucky :o)

  12. Emma is a mommy's girl, at least for the past month or so.  She is easy going and rarely cries, but when she does it is an all out red face, snot nose fit!

  13. My 3mth princess. Active, Jovial, Xtremeli Cute &.....crybaby @ times!!! hahaha

  14. My Four-month old is a happy, funny, exciting, Blessed little boy. My other children were the same-God has Blessed me with happy babies.

  15. My 7 month old is a charmer and a giggler.

  16. my 14 month old is cheeky!!

  17. Charming.  Very, very charming.  He's going to be a ladies man, lol.

  18. Happy, social and busy!  He's always on the move and finding new ways to entertain himself!

    Great question! :)

  19. My 6 month old is happy, funny, mellow. and always smiling. It's funny how describing her makes me miss her so much!  

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