
How would you describe your idea of a perfect homeschool coop? Some provide monthly social activities...?

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Some provide weekly social activities and field trips. I have seen some that choose to use the same materials and work together on a regular basis on those subjects. I have seen some that were completely unstructured and only met once or twice a year. I have known some that are very structured and even demand you sign certain statements before joining. Describe your view of a perfect coop.

I always like the ones that have weekly social/PE type gatherings for the kids and fieldtrip opportunities. It's also nice for them to have end of year ceremonies or graduations. It is also very nice for them to be able to provide some fine arts like choir/dance classes and sports like soccer or softball for the kids. These take more support and usually have a church backing. Some even have balls or daddy date night for the kids sort of like prom. What are your ideas and dreams for your coop?




  1. The co-op I go to has art and science every other week.  I would love to see it grow to include more activities such as music and PE, and more for High School Students, but I can't do everything myself, I was running both Art and Science until someone finally volunteered for Art a few months ago.  I have also started a group for teens, not to exclude the younger ones but more to encourage the teens to join. (They don't seem too thrilled to join a group of kids who are mostly under 4th grade).  I hope that when the teen group grows we will be able to merge the two groups but just have separate classes for the teens.

  2. At this point I would like to find one that would accept younger children. My DD is only 3.5 but she is already doing k and 1st grade work. She does not play with kids her own age but loves to be around the older kids. I can not find a coop that  will let us in until she is 5. It really doenst make sense to me since they allow younger kids if they have an older sibbling. I just don't get it.

  3. Home school groups offer many of those activities, ceremonies, sports, and prom but not in a coop form.

    Home school families have a county, and state wide group that posts all these activities on a yahoo site; families pick and choose the activities they want to get involved in depending on their children's interests, and their families schedules.

    From there families form friendships, and meet when they can.

    There are potluck, or picnic gatherings to stay in contact, or welcome new families.

    It is kind of like a buffet, much is offered, and families organize activities that they are interested in and open it up to others who in turn pick and choose what works for them.

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