
How would you describe yourself in social settings?

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How would you describe the type of person you are in social settings?

Me: I am the guy who makes everybody laugh and entertains everybody but can also be very reserved/quiet when around people/someone I don't really like.

I am also the type of person where when I see someone I really like, I tend to keep it inside and can't seem to tell them. My heart will light up but I can never seem to talk to them first or ask them out and often too afraid of rejection... guess that's why I'm perennially single huh? *sighs* :(

What are you like?




  1. I keep my friends entertained, I don't embarrass easily. I also keep track of things around me, in case I need to smile at a cutie passing by.

  2. Im like you i'd entertain everyone and i love getting everyone on the dance floor evn if i dont no them especially when they are sitting by themselves and look like they want to get up. ((i dont like people being left out)) with people i dont no i talk to themlike i've known them for years haha i dont no why i think its cos im just so happy to be out on the town!

    I cant dance but still love dancing and people get relaxd with me cos i dont care if they can dance or not! (( i forgot to add that in))

  3. I would be the person in background trying to go unnoticed.  I'm really not sociable at all.

  4. nice way to find a match for yourself... :-)

    I am the guy who makes everybody laugh and entertains everybody but can also be very reserved/quiet when around people/someone I don't really like. (im just like you in this aspect)

    I am also teh kingd of person who will start crying at the drop of the hat. I tend to speak my mind out. Quite Free Spirited, I am. I am not afraid of rejection. I am very childlike in thoughts, (I have an open mind) but I am very motherly in behaviour. (when out in vacations etc, I would love to put all of them on my chest and put them to sleep.) :-)

  5. im the person who is standing there looking like id rather be somewhere else. im very quiet if i dont know the group. i get really nervous around a large group of straight ppl. i get intimidated and im afraid of not being liked. So i keep my mouth shut unless ppl talk to me and then i drink a few beers and everyone loves me bc i open up!

  6. i would have to say i'm the quiet guy who doesn't talk 2 any1  

  7. So we're a little 'timid' are we...but, it sounds like the 'real you' is just waiting to come out...  Lighten up, you're at a're supposed to be having some fun...just don't let yourself become a 'jerk' doing it...  "NEVER" find your 'humor' at the expense of always comes back to bite you...sooner or later...  You would be better to find 'the humor' within yourself...but not at 'your expense' don't have to act the 'fool' to be funny...

  8. I'm sort of a jackass to draw a laugh. I'll deliberately do, or say, something stupid to get a laugh and break the ice. I can make innuendos up all night long out of about any comment.

    With a couple of friends that I only see once or twice a year, (several going back to elementary school,) I'll stand next to them for a few minutes and wait a couple of minutes to realize how long it takes them to notice me. (It's fun to watch them jump out of their skin when they recognize me.)

    I'm considered the maniac in that group of old friends. There's a saying that "there's one in every crowd," I'm usually it.

    There are social settings where I'm trying just to go unnoticed. One is a place I used to work. I deliberately change my appearance so I blend in with the crowd when I go there. Not that I'm shy, I just don't feel like getting thrown out.


  9. Me : I am a guy who keeps most things to myself . And is really quiet at times . I can really get pissed off if someone annoys me or makes me mad .

  10. It does (sadly) depend on the alcohol level

    Sober = the quiet one, stood at the back listening to everyone else

    One Pint = relaxed and contributing to discussion

    Two Pints = comfortable, but sensible, trying to be the joker

    Three Pints = Totally lightened up and making friends with everyone

    Four Pints = Time for Karaoke

    Five Pints = Mr nasty is just coming to the surface

    Six Pints = Time to go home before I seriously offend someone

    (or, as happened on my honeymoon - half a bottle of cheap whiskey, and I'm lying face down on the grass having an indepth conversation with a cat)

  11. I'm one that is optimistic and hate to see anyone not happy or laughing and go to even measures of bein lame to get people smilin and I'm protective of those I care for which is my bf, family and friends. I like to avoid bad situations but if pushed far enough I et pissed and go off on anyone and everyone that has been urkin my nerves for awhile.

  12. I am very social with people i know. When i first meet someone i don't talk that much i try to get as much info on them by just the way the act. I love to laugh and love to make people laugh. I hate to see people sad so i try to do whatever i can to make them feel better. I am somewhat afraid of rejection but i know that it is sometimes apart of life.=)

  13. Wall flower - that's me!

    But usually, I just avoid social situations.

  14. yeah pretty similar with the outgoing part.........i am very confident in clubs and stuff when previously looking for guys, thats easy, but now i am looking for a female relationship its a lot tougher and i can only put some of my natural confidence into that...

    but generally pretty fun and busy! - except when i am at work because i hate it and escape to answers! hahha

  15. I'm the kind of guy that people like to be around. I walk into a room and heads turn. I don't know why. It's like I'm gravitational or something.

  16. I'm kind of like me, myself & aye...i try to not have any attention on me, but i do good in small groups.

    When i drink it changes a bit and i gets more social, but still nothing crazy...anymore.

    When i was younger i was the type of person dancing on tables and sh* i've done a complete turn around. Not sure why.

  17. I'm very shy and quiet at first.  If I go to a party or to a bar, I assess the situation and try to find someone I know to talk to.  After I am comfortable, I can be very funny and silly and love to make people laugh.  But humor has to come spontaneously; when it's forced, my jokes almost always bomb!  LOL

  18. Me? I'm the one that makes everyone laugh..I like making everyone smile, and I keep everyone talking, because I really don't like that silence sometimes. I can be reserved and quiet if I wasn't hyped up on pixie sticks that morning. If I'm with my friends, holy c**p I'm more hyper then ever.

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