
How would you destroy the earth?

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Inspired by Sam Hughes




  1. We're already doing it.

  2. the thing is to NOT wanting to destroy it right........put some nuclear bomb by Iran or N-korea so making sure those countries not have them anymore.....

  3. By making sure that the United States is always run by the Democrats.

  4. populate it with humans.

  5. Encourage folks to burn their garbage in their yards.  Nothing like styrofoam and plastic fumes to help along the ozone layer.

  6. Drop a chunk of sodium that's as big as Australia into the ocean.

  7. like make thousands of atombic bomb n place in it each country......then kabammb..thats harshh..i wouldnt do tat..wat a sin

  8. Destroy the Earth?!?!  I would kill it with kindess and love. Viva la Earth!!!

  9. Why would we want to destroy Earth? If it's destroyed, we won't have anywhere to live!

  10. Keep the Republicans in power.

  11. by polluting it

  12. by doing nothing, protesting nothing,lettign things go,'cause it aint my buisiness, dont wanna get involved, too busy

  13. push an asteroid into the earths coarse :D heheheheh.............. lol

  14. let it go on the way it is..

    killing it softly and slowly

  15. torch it with fire-breathing dragons, which the surviving humans will then harness and fly to a new and more wonderful inhabitable planet.

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