
How would you feel,after all these years?

by Guest32589  |  earlier

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I received an email from a girl that I madly loved when we were teens. I kinda jilted her. I was saving up for a ring. We lived 130 miles apart. I could only see her every couple weeks. Well I got another girl pregnant (7 years my senior--had been married before--had a child her parents were raising--had her own apartment.) So in the 50's you got married. I just never went back to see the other girl. I did visit her mom when her dad got killed,,she had married by then. Well,,low and behold I got the nicest email from her after 50 yrs. We were 17 back than. She's happily married 2000 miles from me. I'm happily married. My wife is 17 years my junior. So no way would I mess that up. I would like to hear some opinions on this. I must've made a lasting impression. I do get emails from all over as I was a ROCK DJ on many stations over a 22 yr period. She doesn't know that though.




  1. Sometime, as people get older, they feel the urge to get back in touch with people from their youth. Happily, the crappy things people did to each other don't seem so memorable after 50 years.  

  2. May be she wants to be friends or maybe she isn't truly happy and putting up with lots of abuse that she tells herself will get better but when things fail with need a place to land and some mental support. Who knows, lots of things can make you want to get back in touch with some one, death birth, abuse, marriage whatever the reason just talk and make sure your wife knows you have female friends and not to worry you know where the line ends.

  3. Reply to her email, maybe talk to her on the phone. Be sure both spouses know about the reconnect. I would only meet her if BOTH spouses were going to be there also, which might be just a tad awkward. It is so common with the internet for people like this to reconnect. Isn't it great to hear from someone like this?  

  4. i guess i would really feel flattered by someone contacting me after all those years, but i would be careful, maybe its just friendly, but maybe its someone wanting to get connected with u.

  5. I don't get it..?

  6. WOW - you sound like a cool dude (please note sarcasm).  It's interesting that after so many years you're worried about how great she must have thought you were, and emphasize your wife who is 17 years younger than you.

    They must be lucky women to have you in their life.

    You kinda sound like a d-bag to me.

  7. It can be fun connecting with those from the past.  But it can also be a real pain!!

  8. You need to start by telling your wife if you haven't already told her.  If she finds out some other way she might feel like you are keeping things from her.  Find out how your wife feels about her contacting you and then decide what to do.  I think it would be great to reconnect with some people from my past. The past makes us who we are today.

  9. I would feel complimented that she had  thought of me.

  10. It is nice to make contact with people you used to know.  I corresponded with my first date (whom I hadn't seen in decades), and once visited.  So, carry on.

  11. I suppose it would be a good feeling but perhaps just a little weird.  You sound like you're in a happy marriage (my husband is 15 years older than me!) and communication is always the key as cheesy as that sounds.  You should let your wife know that you got that email.  Does that make any sense? Some may think that's a little silly but I don't.  I always appreciate when my husband lets me in on things of this sort (a similar situation has happened with us).

  12. i don't get what you need to know?

    just don't cheat on ur wife

  13. Isn't this day and age great. You can go on line find an old friend and let them know you were thinking about them.

  14. i'm not sure i understand your question...

    so your like... 70 or so?

    so if you're happily married and she is too, then .. good for you guys?

    i don't think there'll be any jealousy here if that's what you meant.

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