
How would you feel about a "soap opera" about the paranormal?

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Do you believe it would at least be a place where others could learn about ...and be taught ...and get understanding of paranormal experiences & events? (including skeptics) Would that be a good thing or a bad thing?




  1. There already is (or was) one. Is Passions still on the air?

    I think other shows like A Haunting and Ghost Hunters do that already though they could do it better. The show "Is it Real" uses sciences to reach their predetermined conclusion it's not real so one would have to be careful how it was presented.

    Learning is always good.

    Edit: hey maybe the dragon is quite tall ;)


  2. I am not into soap operas, but the shows "Dark Shadows" and "X-Files" come to mind.

    I am sure it would be pretty cool, but I doubt they would place it with daily romance/drama soap operas. It would probably find its way into prime-time if it was even semi-decent.

    Shows on the paranormal sell pretty well these days.

    edit: In response to your later add-ons.

    If it was fictional, I dont think a lot of people would take it seriously, even if they had a serious approach to facts. They would be entertained, but would take it like buffy, or charmed or something.

    edit again: On second thought, maybe they would. I'm thinking of shows like Quincy ME, where people learned what a medical examiner does. Do medical examiners really have light bars on thier cars? People watch fiction and believe its realistic all the time. It would probably be a boon for new agers.

  3. I got the impression that a bunch of soap operas were kinda like that already.  Long lost twins, amnesia, wasn't there something about puppets?  But then, I don't watch soap operas, so I guess I'm not a good skeptic to ask.  Do skeptics watch soap operas?

  4. Long time ago when I did watch more TV then I do now, and when I would watch a soap opera.  Days of our lives did some stories on that. Pretty much why I stopped watching it.  It was the worst writing I have ever seen.

    There is a show I believe called Medium I see the previews for that, which its a show on drama. So they do have  plenty of TV shows, which use that topic.

    However , nothing about a Soap opera is non fiction. If you want to learn about the paranormal , Pick up a book on the topic and read. Or at least watch accredited TV like the Discovery Channel and or History Channel.  TV Shows that are fiction is not the place to learn about any topic. Why its fictional. It a form of entertainment. .

  5. I think Ghost Whisper and Medium are kind of like Soap Operas

  6. i think it would be interesting. i'd definatly try watching it.

  7. Soaps, sitcoms, and dramas use the paranormal constantly. Not to mention cartoons. The early "s****.-Doo" cartoon always found fakes and frauds. Later paranormal won out. Not a great example but let's face it, fantasy sells.

    Randi's organization certainly does use the interest for upkeep. This was never a secret. He started with 10 grand of his own money and donations brought it up. The challenge is soon to end though. From Randi's site:

    The James Randi Educational Foundation Million-Dollar Challenge will be discontinued 24 months from this coming March 6th, and those prize funds will then be available to generally add to our flexibility. This move will free us to do many more projects, which will be announced at that time.

    This means that all those wishing to be claimants are required to get their applications in before the deadline, properly filled out and notarized as described in the published rules.

    Now, we’re sure that there will be those who will offer all kinds of objections to this decision – though they could have simply applied and won the prize. There will be accusations that the JREF is concerned about the safety of the prize money – which was never any sort of concern, I can assure you – and there will be more claims that the money was never there in the first place. I can see the professionals out there sighing in relief that they no longer have to answer questions about why they won’t take the prize, and they’ll just wait out the remaining period that the prize is available. All that’s to be expected.

    Ten years is long enough to wait. The hundreds of poorly-constructed applications, and the endless hours of phone, e-mail, and in-person discussions we’ve had to suffer through, will be things of the past, for us at the JREF.

    Those who believe they have mystic powers now have two full years to apply… Let’s see what happens.

    Also Montel is been canceled!

  8. There have been, Dark Shadows for one.Isn't there one on NBC now? I doubt TV producers would be interested in an educational paranormal soap opera."Buffy the Vampire Slayer"one of my favorite all-time TV shows.It was pretty soap-opera like.

  9. Based on what I've seen on TV, it's much easier to take the paranormal approach to things.  In taking such a route the writers would not be bound to follow the laws of the universe.  It would be a free-for-all world where anything can happen.  On one hand this might be fun, but at the same time a boundless world without structure falls apart from a literary perspective.

    Big Foot is jealous of Chupacabra because she's messing around with a Reptilian Gray.  Their illegitimate Indigo Child is abducted by the Moth Man, who makes his ransom demands via EVP.

    Since most paranormal claims are under dispute the producers really couldn't form a list of acceptable paranormal claims to include in the show.  So, where would you draw the line?

  10. I'd say it'd be a good thing.

    And Torchwood fits the bill.

    And if James Randi should ever actually meet a real psychic who wins, he's obligated BY THE CONTRACT HE SIGNS EVERYTIME to pay it out.

  11. Well, being psychic myself, I think it would be fun.  It would hopefully open peoples minds to new things.  Although I would hope it would be done accurately and not like some Hollywood interpretation.

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