
How would you feel and react if someone tells you that they dont like Filipinos?!?

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  1. First response would be to get super angry but then I'd hope to remember  : "You can't control people's actions or thoughts but only your reaction to them"

    And then my reaction would be to be sad for them since hatred and ignorance hurt the people who hold such opinions and the hope one day they might grow.    

  2. it's simple.

    if he doesn't like a filipino like me,

    then i don't like a loser like him too.

    who cares anyway?

    my life will go on without him,

    because i don't need a stereotype.

  3. he hates his girlfriend

  4. honestly, i don't know why people should hate filipinos!  no clue!

  5. haha that guy is being bitter over his gf..

    he just couldn't accept the fact that we're far better than them..losers.  

  6. i would kick his *** for that, cause i "cant help it, i just hate him and i dont know why"

  7. i'd feel sorry for any person who 'hates' Filipinos (me and i'm assuming most of the people here as well.. hehe) because he's harbouring a negative emotion which is bad for the health :p

    seriously though, his question raised my eye brow. how can he 'hate' us? Geez! we are one of the most lovable people in the world!! maybe his girl broke his heart and he went on to stereo type everyone! :)

  8. It's easy when it's online or through the phone or in writing.

    But if somebody tells it to my face directedly that would be a little different.

    But honestly I have not been in this situation but any which way I would probably ask him the reasons why & I would probably reason with that person if they want to have a conversation & help him/her out.

    Anyway in a few instances you would definitely know if the only response needed is to turn around & ignore. And you do just that.


  9. I used to get mad whenever I hear Filipinos being looked down.  My reaction often got me in hot water.  It happened once when I visited Y!AM and engaged in verbal tussles with one of them YAMmer when he said something ugly about Filipinos living in Sabah.  Anyway, from that time on I decided not to get my feathers ruffled that easily but instead, do some deep thinking and some bit of understanding.  Others rile us on purpose just to enliven a "discussion" as what I've found out.  And there are others who really hate our kind but, what can we do?  The thing is, you can get mad - real mad, if you want to but don't let anger control you. For all you know, the asker's laughing "behind our backs" pleased that his question has generated a free-for-all.  So, JH...temper, temper!

  10. If you don't like me, I don't like you either... it's just being equal...!!!

  11. I would be like "they probably hate you too. So what's the big deal the feeling is mutual".  

  12. i would say they must be hurting a lot,but its wrong to hate an entire nationality because of a bad experience with one person,there's good and not so good people in all countries

  13. that's really offending.

    what's that something he HATES about us?

    hate is such a word.  

  14. yeaa of course. i would feel disappointed with him, because it's like that when he see a filipino he would consider as his *worst thing* or something. It would really feel me bothered and it's like, he's looking down to the Filipinos.

    But on the other way I understand him because it's his own point of view and his opinion, toward us Filipinos. Each of us has it's own opinion.

    But on the other side, he didn't ask it nalang because he didn't know that he already offended many FIlipinos here in yahoo answers.

  15. yea i was mad at that question too especially becuse he doesnt hav a reason y he hate us-filippinos-!!!

  16. I would respect their belief.. I don't think that YA is enough to persuade them to change their mind but all I can do is just to give him ideas.. The question looks honest and doesn't really say any degrading words.. he feels what he feels and we cannot make everybody like us because we are also not perfect and have our dark sides as Filipinos..

  17. that would be there problem, we are all the same in God's eyes and if people can't see that, to bad. we all bleed the same and have problems the same. remember Jesus Christ said to love our neighbor as our self, and to treat our neighbor the way we want to be treated. I know someone who is deaf and I told that person, I don't look at the fact that person is deaf,  l look at the person and care for that person. we are friends

  18. I would first ask him what's wrong with Filipinos and if he/she didn't have a reasonable answer, I would be disappointed. Why does he/she hate Filipinos if he/she doesn't know the true side of us, Filipinos. I would try to stay calm (if I could). =)

  19. i would feel bad because i'm filipino i'd be mad who ever say that they dont like filipinos i would smack them in the face just kidding

  20. Get pissed off..

  21. im going to tell them that filipinos dont like them too!

  22. He's ignorant.




    Probably has a demon whispering in his ear,

    I say this because, that guy's girl is 1/2 Filipino.

    He's out of his mind.....

  23. I would respectfully disagree.

  24. To be honest, 1>make sure they can't hurt you in any way.

                         2>understand why if possible ask

                         3>be  cool with it.

                         4>call up a phillipino friend and talk about

                         5>get on with your life and don't let them take any more time from you.

  25. Accept the fact that we can never please everybody. There are people who are racist and unless they open their minds and hearts to accept us, we really can do nothing about them.

    Try as we might, we cannot ignore that remark which sets us over the edge. Best way to deal with it I guess is to simply let it slide and when you're sober, do some pondering and discover why that person hate Filipinos. Each has their own reason, you just need to keep an open eye and mind to it. Who knows, you could turn the very reason why he hate us to be the reaon why he should like us.

    be optimistic. The Philippines and being a Filipino is not that gloomy. letting your rage take over will do you more harm than good.

  26. He is wrong for that.

    Pray for him.

    Don't let that guy get you so mad.

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