
How would you feel if Rex or Darnell spoke to you the way those 2 are speaking to the women of the house?

by  |  earlier

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I have just emailed Channel 4 to let them know its heartbreaking to watch




  1. Yes, it was absoultely awful to watch. If I was spoken to that way, I don't think I would have handled the situation with anywhere near with as much dignity and class as sara. She has proved herself to be very a gracious and tolerant person. She is a winner in my books.

  2. Good for you! I hate the way they speak to people! I would be v. unhappy! Why don't you give me e-mails and we can chat about BB! What do u think of Kat?  

  3. Great! The more people complain the better!

    If I wa sin there and they were spaeking to me like that i'd put them all down so much they'd feel 2 inches tall. Either that or i'd totally lose my rag and probably get chucked out for aggressive behaviour! lol

  4. will you guys stop asking this question... people have been answering these type of questions but no i would not like it and it shouldn't have anything to do with gender!

  5. i think its jsut sexist

    Darnell is only doing it because he now nos he doesnt have a chance with Sarah

    Rex is now doing it because Nicole is gone and he cant touch her everyone 3 seconds hes got to hav e something to do

  6. I would be so upset and so angry!!!!!! i hate the way they talk to the women! darnell annoys me so much the way he talks to sara! and talks about her behind her back! like last night when he said to mikey about the mash potato comment sara made "what type of comment is that?" etc, i think he is rude and unnecessarily harsh all the time! and rex... god he is so irritating! ahhh! lol!

    glad you emailed channel 4, might do the same now!

  7. They wouldn't because they are definitely not the type of people I would ever want to spend any time with.

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