
How would you feel if a family friend took pictures of your kid bathing? ?

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You have no pictures of your child bathing. Theres more than one picture. friend did not ask or tell you. you were there when it happened but not aware. The question is not am I overreacting, but do I have the right to not feel the same aobut this person period. its weird




  1. if you were not present when the child was bathing, the child is old enough to bathe alone and therefore too old to have pictures of them taking a bath.  you def. should feel weird and watch this person carefully.  you may want to ask them why they took the shots and maybe ask mutual friends if this person has done this to their child.

  2. if its some older quiet man then YES be worried ffs...

    this is your child... take every single precaution you possibly can.  Tell this fruitcake your calling the police and having his pedo *** put on a list!!!

    do not sit back and wait till your kids 16 telling you this guys been raping them since they were 12

    dont you watch any crime shows sheeeeeeeesh

  3. That is strange.

    That should be up to the parent if he/she wants to take pics of their child bathing.

    I don't think I'd let that person babysit my kid ever again if I were you.

  4. its not their child its yours. and then they took a picture without even asking you? thats just nassstttyyy!    and yes you have a right to feel wut ever you feel. but you should just talk to that person as weird and uncomfortable as it may be

  5. Yes you do.

  6. You have every right not to feel the same about the person. I would be very bothered, upset, distrusting, violated and assume the person was a pervert. I would be very angry and demand for them to give me all the pictures and film. If they refuse, then I would call the cops and explain the situation. He/She can be arrested for almost sounds like child pornography.  

  7. well what is the gender of your kid and the friend?

    if they are opposite genders ; i would be a little concerned.  

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