
How would you feel if after your break-up, your ex...?

by  |  earlier

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changed alot physically? Like, gained or lost a lot of weight?

I was married, we had a child... I was about 140 when we got married, at the end of my pregnancy I was 175, he left me while I was pregnant, we reconciled and he left again about 4 months after my child was born. I gradually lost the weight, and now I'm about 125! Now, when he picks up our child for his visitation, he often says something about how I lost weight, etc...

While he, on the other hand, used to be in good shape, and now has a big belly, double chin and looks just awful!

How would you feel is your ex suddenly changed like that AFTER your breakup? Would you be jealous? Disgusted? Laughing your head off>?




  1. If he's my ex, I really wouldn't care how he looked. And I would try to always look my best, just to rub it in :)

  2. glad he is looking like dumbo the elephant on all levels, you go girl continue to look good every time he sees you, but don't go back to him.

  3. Ha.  I just ran into an ex of mine the other day.  He was in decent shape when we were dating but now he's gained a good 50 pounds, is unkempt and generally looks like h**l.

    I am not usually a vindictive person but he treated me really badly so I couldn't help thinking that there is some justice in this world.

  4. I take pleasure in answering this question because my ex got quite the beer belly a year and a half after we broke up. I laugh every time I see him, because he looks pitiful and so does his frizzy haired, bun wearing, muffin-topped girlfriend.

    Just be happy you are done with him. I don't have a lot of sympathy for guys who abondon their pregnant women. He sounds like a slime-ball.

    Be like me, and get as much child support you can. Take great care of your child and yourself. Live life to the fullest and know that there are plenty of fish in the sea. There are so many great guys out there!

  5. Congratulations on your weight loss. That's great. I would probably feel all of the above. I would be jealous if my ex lost a lot of weight and looked good. I would be disgusted that I let them go. I'm sure he wishes he had you back now. If he's gained all that weight then I'd be laughing my a$$ off too.

  6. Your being skinner must be a slap in the face to him, enjoy it.  

  7. Laugh my head off.  Karma's a b*tch.

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