
How would you feel if an all natural/organis and eco friendly market opens in you city? would you go there???

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what will you buy




  1. Yes!

    We have a farmer's market here that sells organic products and I go there every chance I get!  

    If I have a choice in the grocery store between organic products or not, I always go organic.

  2. We already have one - it's called Earth Fare, and no - I've never shopped there.

  3. I would.

    It would be nice just to have different stuff to try

    Plus, I need to more options for a healthy diet.

    GNC, is not the best store for dietary needs.




  4. i'm pretty sure its illegal to sell organs

    @ a market!  lol!

  5. I wouldn't shop anywhere else.

  6. Yes!!!

  7. Organics tend to be more expensive than regular, and all are checked through the same standards of health and safety, so no. I see them in regular supermarkets already and don't go for them, organic is just another sales pitch to me.

    I'd buy genuinely better produce - if it were noticeably fresher, more bang for the buck, something. But one more label won't do it, so many things are already light/new/MSG-free/cholesterol reduced/vitamin rich... etc.

  8. We have one, and it is amazing. They sell food, herbs, personal hygiene products and locally-made organic cotton and hemp clothing.  I rarely shop anywhere else, except my farmer's market and the movie store.

  9. We have one. The stuff is expensive and, with the exception of pure grapejuice (which I'll admit is a bit of an addiction of mine), it doesn't taste any better.

    The media hypes most food problems way out of proportion (I'd eat apples soaked in alar each day for the rest of my life to prove that it won't cause cancer). Most of the stuff you buy at the supermarket is just as good as the "all natural" lables.

  10. Yes I'd go there!  I'd get produce and meat there if they had it.  I'd probably buy anything they had, cleaning products, hygiene products... I am in NE PA and there is NOTHING like that out here.  I used to go all the time when I lived in NY and had about 4 of those types of stores there.

  11. depends on prices and where it is from,i would buy from local growers

  12. nope

  13. "Organic" products do more harm to the environment than modern production.  The lower crop yields of organic farms require clearing more forest to produce the same amount of food, and the growing of fibre crops such as (hemp or cotton ) for materials that can be produced more cleanly from coal or oil is also very damaging.  Organic food is also less safe (20x more likely to be tainted with e. coli or salmonella) and has a poor shelf life.

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