
How would you feel if everyone forgot your birthday?

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My future mother-in-law sent be a happy birthday comment... My Fiance new it was my day and didnt say anything, the kids didnt tell my happy birthday, no one made me breakfast, or cleaned my kitchen, or made me a cake.. just poo.. So how would you feel?

How are you today? How are things in your life? What are you stressing over. Hope two points helps you feel better.




  1. make a fuss about this, it's not right - think about whether you want a life with your fiance.

  2. Aww that sucks, Happy Birthday to you!!! That happened to me this year too, my fiancee totally forgot that it was my bday, and i didn't have any money to spend on myself, so i was really sad(but little did I know that I was pregnant at the time). I'm fine today, things are going well, but money is still a bit I guess that's what I'm stressing over, and looking after a new baby(2 months on Aug 20th). Thanks for the 2 points, hope your day gets better!!

  3. Happy Birthday!!  Maybe they are not acknowledging your b-day because they have a surprise for you and want to throw you off.

    If only these 2 points solved all my problems I'd be a happy woman

  4. that sucks im sorry everyone forgot your birthday! Mine was on fathers day so it was not that special to me :(.. Anyways im stressing over the fact my daughter and i have no insurance  

  5. i would leave and get a hotel room for the night. i bet once you leave then they would appreciate you more when you come back.

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I'm not the real emotional type but If everyone forgot about my birthday I would say to myself it's not worth living in a city where no one remembers your birthday and move to somewhere else.

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