
How would you feel if?

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your lady spent alot time getting knocked out pretty for your date? Would you find it silly or be flattered?




  1. Well if it was for me then I'd feel flattered, but to be honest, I'd rather that she felt relaxed enough in my company just to be herself.  Beauty is only skin deep after all.

  2. When I love somebody they are always attractive, but when they get dolled up on occasion I think it is even better!

    I get knocked out, like "How did you manage to get even more beautiful? I didn't think it was possible."

  3. any man would be happy if his lady wanted to impress him.

  4. I would be annoyed at first if she took hours and hours, but if the end result is good I would gladly take her under my arm. She is ultimately doing it for me, and I would be flattered that she wants to look good for me.

  5. i would find it flattering. this girl spent a lot of her time with which she could've been doing something else but she decided to spend it on you. take it as a sign. she wants you to notice her.

  6. She would be trying to look her best and make a good impression.

    Which is far more favorable than if a dirty, dishevelled, unkempt, woman came to the door! I would be flattered providing she was not shallow and materialistic, and able to go out on other occasions with minimal maintenance.

  7. Waste of time really, I mean I know she is trying to impress me by wearing  a nice dress, putting on pretty make-up, and such.  To be honest though, I am going to rip off the dress as soon as I see her in it, the make-up will run with the sweating that is sure to come, and then we are going back to the shower to start all over again.....

    It would be in her best intrest to just wear some pants and T-shirt with as little make-up as possible.

  8. Depends if it is appropriate.  If she is dressed for the ocassion says more.  You know sweat pants to the office, high heels to the gym.

  9. 'Way back when I was dating It always made me feel good when my date took the time to make herself look her best.I did my best all the time too.It shows when you care.Married now 28 years.

  10. I would be flattered,for she was doing it for me and herself,knowing I would want her looking her vary best with me.

    It would show me how much she wants to be going out with me,putting all that work into herself to go on a date with me,wow..

    Shows she cared how she look while on a date with me, and that she was trying to please me..

    It would be an honor, for her being a romantic jester for my behalf..

  11. I would be flattered, but she doesnt have to dress up for me

  12. flattering
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