
How would you feel if you made a waitress cry?

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last night at work a customers made me cry because he was a jerk about a mistake i made ringing up his order. he is about 30 years old and a regular customer who comes in every night. he is nice to all the other waitresses.

i am very shy and quiet so when he started being mean, i began tearing up. another waitress came to my rescue, and when he left he didn't apologize.

what should i do when i see him at work tonight?




  1. Smack him. What a freak!!! Some guys are just so dumb.

  2. I would ask the hostess not to seat him in your section. If you can't avoid it, and he has to be, just suck it up the best you can and be extra friendly and double and triple check to make sure the order is right. If you won't get in trouble for it and he orders a soda, just don't charge him. Try to make him as happy as you can!

    I used to be a server and I'm not really shy anymore,(being a server helped me break out of my shell!)  but I still can be very sensitive, especially at one certain week! :) Mistakes happen, regardless if you've been at the restaurant for 5 years or 5 days. I would try not to let one person get to you, because for every jerk there is, there will be a nice person out there to make you feel better.  

  3. He might have had a bad day.  Maybe the boss rode him.  When he comes in again, ignore what happened. treat him like you would anyother customer and if he contines to ride you, ask the hostest to seat him in another section the next time he comes in.

  4. i would completely ignore him. make sure he doesn't get put in your section.  

  5. That's ridiculous.  Imagine what his wife and family must have to put up with.

    I was a waiter and a bartender for several years and it's amazing how poorly some people conduct themselves in public.  You will come across some of the absolute scum of the earth in that job.

    You have to try not to take it too personally.  I always liked to try to "kill them with kindness."  Did it come off insincere while I was being the most pleasant person you could imagine while they're cursing me out?  You bet.  I think that's part of what makes it fun.

    Bear in mind a lot of people are absolute jerks and some are just dirt-bags that are out for a free meal from the very beginning, they're on the prowl for any opportunity to complain to get something off the bill.

    I personally always hated waiting on regulars.  Can I get this, but I get it without that and this has to be on the side, I'll send it back if it's not, and instead of the parsley I'd like to substitute some shrimp.  See, told you I've been there.  (that was always my favorite--the threat of "I'll send it back if it's not this or that."  I always loved the threat right after you've told them how happy you are they've come to dine with you.)

    If he comes in again you should refuse to wait on him.  Try to make sure the jerk doesn't get sat in your section and even if he does, swap tables with another server.

    If that happens again just stop the customer mid sentence and tell them you'll have the manager come over.  It's not your job to take that kind of abuse.  As long as you just made a mistake and didn't do something immoral your boss will understand.  If he doesn't you deserve a better employer than that anyway.  Restaurant jobs are a dime a dozen.  Make sure you don't work for a jerk either.

  6. I'd feel horrible if I made a waitress cry, but I'm always giving the benefit of doubt, so yeah maybe he was having a very bad day.

    With that in mind, and because he comes in often, have him seated in someone elses section or get someone to cover his table BUT ask the chef if he can send out a free drink or a free appetizer and have the server say that you feel badly about the error you made last night (customers always supposed to be right right ! grr) and you thought he might like this.

    When you make eye contact with him, drop you're eyes like you're embarassed.

    If you're lucky he'll feel badly and apologise

    But hopefully at minimum everything can go back to normal, you've apologised, he got free stuff.

    *hug* good luck


  7. I'm a waitress, and I've never cried. For what reason? When you cry, you just aggravate yourself, and nobody is worth that. NOBODY.

    If you're shy and quiet, you shouldn't be waitressing. You need to open up and smile and talk to people. I used to be shy until I started waitressing.

    The next time you see him, say hello, SMILE, and apologize for that night. You can't do anymore than that. If he's still not happy, then have someone else wait on him.

    I've had customers that like or know the other waitress better, and I've kissed butt to make them like me. And it usually works. The one girl I work with knows everybody, but now they like me just as well. Don't be afraid to get to know your regulars. That's how you make your money.

    And don't cry. It could always be worse. The one waitress at work had a customer tell her to shove the fish that he didn't like up her asp. She just walked away. I would of told him something else if that were me! Good luck and don't let one person ruin it for you!!!

  8. That is just down right mean what he did... Your best bet is just to ignore him.  

  9. Cheer up girl.

    I doubt you'll see him, if you do just let someone else take his order.

    People don't understand that you can't be perfect everyday, everyone makes a mistake.

    And your job is harder than some union jobs.

    DaMane: Right on! lol

  10. its called revenge, spit in his food. lolz. Dont mess with the people who handle your food.

  11. I would have been angry PERHAPS, if I was given the professional service I walked into an establishment for. You might want to take an order differently based on this experience or be sure to know EXACTLY on how to ring up an order. I don't know if these two things are related and you are actually a hostess rather than a waitress ( little inaccuracy saves a ton of explanation-of this I know). I will assume you are an actual waitress who performs cash register duties.


    Remain professional and clear headed. If you know you made a mistake, apologize. Be sure to guard against whatever happened to happen again.


    That's what I do, I make my mistakes my new focal points. If I get hammered for something, I prepare to hammer myself out before someone else does!

    A heartfelt simple apology will go a long way, especially with a long time regular customer. He has some commitment to your establishment, I would reward him with commitment in return. Only with this balance in place can you rise above shyness and the tears.  

  12. Some people are just going to be rude. Expect it, then when it happens it will not catch you off guard. I would just do my job, as if he was another costumer, when he comes in again. Like it never even happened. If he brings in up, I' just play it down. I'd apologize,  and say in a matter of fact way, people make mistakes.

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