
How would you feel if you received a medal in an event due to a disqualification?

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This is not about the disqualifications that occurred or may occur, but about the actual athlete that is vaulted into a winning slot due to the disqualification.


Out of winners 1, 2, & 3, #2 gets disqualified. So #3 moves to #2's spot and #4 moves to #3's spot. How do you feel if you are #3 and #4? Do you feel like you really won? Or do you feel like your medal is fake?

I ask because I saw a runner in this position earlier on tv and he said something to the effect that it wasn't a "real win, but [he'd] take it".




  1. i would feel bittersweet

    i got a medal, but i didn't really earn it

  2. Feel like I truly didn't earn it, cause it wasnt my talent that got me there but the mistakes of others.

  3. id feel good.

  4. like the guy that came in 5th in the 200m meter race but got a silver medal due to 2 disqualifications, he still didnt win. you get a medal due to some technicality

  5. i felt the same as he did. but i think if he thinks on it. if it  was he that was disqualified how would he feel to have to step down and allow the one that lose have his medal... May not be the true victory that he would like to have had but he was one of the few that stayed within inside of the boundaries of the rules of the Game. At least now he knows what he will have to do to make his own mark to be a true contender

  6. Cheated, because you didn't get to stand on the podium and all that

  7. hahaha id be cheerin..

    remember the last winter olympics? the australia ice skater who won because everyone else fell over? hahahaha... thats so funny!

    but then again everyone forgets that they have trained so hard to get there no matter if they get a medal coz of disqualification, and also that ice skater did make it to the finals, so its not like there c**p or dnt deserve it AT ALL!!

  8. More than happy to take it. The person was obviously disqualified for a reason that would have given them an unfair advantage or they broke the rules. All things being fair you deserve the medal

  9. I think you are talking about Walter Dix, who actually went from fifth place to third because both Spearmon-USA and Martina-Netherlands stepped on the lane line.  So with two being DQ he moved up two.  I would have felt kind of the same as he did.   However, in other instances where there is DQ cuz of a broken rule it usually only moves a person up one and in that instance I would feel I had definitely won the medal.  If it is because of intentionally breaking the rule as in age or doping I would feel redeemed for I would otherwise have been cheated out of the medal I had earned.

  10. I'd feel brought to justice.

  11. Rematch to see who's truly is the best.

  12. A medal is a medal. They all know what will disqualify them.  

  13. American is no way to receive, because they take drug!

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