
How would you feel if you saw your neighbor beat up his son?

by Guest66070  |  earlier

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Suppose your neighbor beats his son regularly and tries to put him in line, every time he makes a mistake or something... but you have never spanked or beaten your kids before - then how would you feel when you see how your neighbor punishes his kids?




  1. id feel pretty d**n sorry for the kid seriously

  2. I would CALL THE POLICE!! while trying to keep my husband from running out the door to give him a taste of his own medicine-(or maybe not)!!! I would hope anyone would do the same if they saw one of my kids getting beaten.

  3. well spanked and beaten are two different things. when you spank your child you do it out of discipline and so they will learn a lesson, it teaches them that if they do something bad they will get spanked and they don't like it, so it teaches them that w.e. they did was bad. beating your child is out of anger, and is child abuse and i would feel uncomfortable watching any child get beaten out of anger. peace

  4. I'd feel happy after bashing his face in, right in front of his son.

    Then I'd call my lawyer..

  5. call the cops before it is too late please watch this he needs help and now before this happens to him

  6. if it was hitting places he shoudlnt' then i would cal protective services cause they are places to spank and places you do not hit. period no matter whom it is or what you are doing.

  7. there's a fine line between beating up and disciplining your kid

    well I woulnd't feel sorry for the kid, but if that happens all the time, I would find it wayy too harsh

  8. If he really hits him anyplace other than a smack on the butt, that's considered child abuse in foster care rules (which may be strict, but a good guideline). Then again, do you want to start a war with your neighbor and maybe make it worse for the kid? Some people literally need parenting classes. Maybe you can show them how you discipline with words or make a suggestion  worded like "you know what I would do?..."

    And if they are doing that in front of your kids, you have every right to say something. That is really awful parenting.

    If it really looks abusive, you should report it, even if it's anonymous.

  9. I spank my kid so I wouldn't be bothered by it. Now if it's unusally cruel punishment, you can always contact Child Protective Services.

  10. Well, you have 27 answers already, and I think there is a consensus. Let me add my two cents worth.

    I would be p**s*d. Although I abhor violence, I think I might go pick a fight, then call the police, and CPS, and see if I couldn't get the sonofa***ch arrested. That's what I would do. And I don't care if I go to jail with him, at least that child is not being abused for awhile.


  11. You need to call 911, by you saying nothing you are just as guilty as the man beating his kid.  You can do something about this and if you don't and the boy dies, I hope you can live with you choice to ignore the situation.

  12. if it was that bad i would confront him personally if he was doing that c**p where the neighbors could see anyways.

    second i would call CPS in a heartbeat if i felt the child was in danger.

  13. I would feel very bad but sadly, i believe that there would be no easy or 100% efficient answer to this problem.  interfering may end up with you or one of them seriously injured and calling child services may end up with the child beginning a life in foster care , which although better than being abused, may still have a negative affect on his life.  i am not saying to do nothing, because i believe that action must be taken, i would just be very careful in your approach and remember that the child is the most important thing here, not your ego.

  14. Well, first off, there's a fine line between beating up and disciplining. As a child, I was spanked when I misbehaved. It didn't necessarily deter me from bad behavior, but I wasn't emotionally or physically scarred. While I personally don't agree with the idea of hitting your child at all for any reason, I do think some people spank their children sometimes, and it could be a way of doing things, if it isn't all the time, and it isn't abusive.

    That being said, I think if your neighbor his physically abusing his son, you should make a phone call. That kind of behavior is not appropriate and illegal. There's a huge difference between spanking a toddler and hitting a 10 year old in the face, pushing them, shoving them, and hurting them. My suggestion is to call your local police department next time you see the behavior. They're usually great about not saying where the complaint came from if you specifically tell them not to, and in this situation they should be sensitive. Don't sit by and watch. Chances are, if you see something outside, there's alot going on inside that you can't see, and that the child may be too afraid to blow the whistle on.

    I think you should definitely say something.

  15. i never witnessed a parent beating their child before, but my next door neighbor used to verbally abuse their child. "ZACHARY GET OUT OF THE F*CKING CAR! ZACH, STOP PLAYING WITH THE F*CKING RADIO! ARE YOU RETARDED?"

    it was horrible. i didn't know what to do because i'd never seen them lay a hand on him, just berate him. i felt awful, i can't imagine watching someone physically hurt a child.

  16. I would report it to the local Child Protection Agency. It is too risky to confront the neighbor yourself. So, obviously, I would be very angry about it!

  17. *picks up phone "Hello, Child Services"*

  18. I personally think even spanking is not needed. I would feel really worried if my neighbor beat their child.

    I hope you aren't in sitution but if you are, if you are worried for the safety of the child please call child and family services.

  19. Unless the hitting is unlawful or cruel, keep your nose out of it. Your description of the "beatings" is rather vague.  Are you sure he is not simply using corporal punishment, which is legal?

  20. I'd call Child Protective Services immediately.  Don't be one of those people who have no desire to be involved -- they are the ones who fail the greatest tests of all -- do you love others as you love yourself.


  21. i would be appalled...and depending on the severity i would call child deserves to be beaten...

  22. i would call Child Protective Services, and cops, then go over and yell at her, maybe throw in a few punches... and then take the kids over to my house to make sure they werent severlly hurt and give them medical attention, then put on like 'family jr' to help them calm down!

  23. if my neighbor(which is my sister-in-law) were to beat her children i would call the police and hope she goes to jail, and then make sure Koal and Rachel are ok.


  24. How would I feel?  The handcuffs would probably hurt a bit.  

    Seriously, I wouldn't stand around and do nothing.  I'd find a way to intervene.

  25. I would feel how every human being should feel - enraged.  I'd call the cops, that's illegal.

  26. omg thats horrible! I would call the cops right away! I'd also feel really bad for that kid!

  27. I spank my kids just as I was spanked as a child but beating a child is NEVER ok I don't care what they did or what form of"punishment"this guy thinks it is. I would call the cops and CPS and have that poor kid taken away from that piece of c**p! There is a HUGE difference between punishment and abuse...and that my friend is abuse!

  28. Well, if its abusive the authorities should get involved somehow. Being an unknown whistle blower could save a child's life. Brutes like that are a danger to all people, especially their children

  29. if he is abusing him i will report him and if he is diciplining him with a regular spanking or good wooping on the butt then ill just let it bee...

  30. If they are asian... its their culture, may be feel bad about their kids?

    If they are white... call 911...

  31. that would make me feel sad becaus ethat is not right to beat up little kids or any age of kids. that is called child abuse you need to tell the police fast cuz that wrong. hope this helps also don't tell anyone what you say. cuz then soon if the neighbor finds out you told the police that will be very bad.

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