
How would you feel if you were placed in between Diane Abbott & Shami Chakrabarti at a dinner party?

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old git: Yet another hero who bars contact be email. Such is life.




  1. Cursed!

  2. Depends which one I'm paired off with. I'd like Diane but Portaloo will be sitting next to her. Maybe if Genesis P.Orridge was opposite I would feel more comfortable.

  3. Interesting to say the least.

  4. Out of my depth.

  5. NAUSEOUS, and therefore not able to manage pudding. lol

  6. Well fed, I hope.

  7. rather disappointed.

  8. I'd be pleased as punch.To be sat between the divine Ms Abbott with her earthy sexiness and throaty laughter would be delightful.Those warm deep calculating dark eyes of a true socialist who is a Playa looking into my peepers is a pure turn on.Our conversation would be political but also there would be an undertone of seductive double entendre's.I would be working towards an after dinner invite to the town house where the conversation could continue nestling in the bosom of the lady in her boudoir.As for Ms Chakrabarti my role would be to liberate her from the straight-jacket of PC and excusism.Like Satan in the desert tempting JC with rocks turned into bread my plan would be to stir up long lying dormant emotions repressed by all that angst and guilt learned whilst studying to be the next Mother Teressa of Jihadist Islamic Fundamentalists.I would tell her that if she was good girl later on I'd read selected passages from "The Satanic Verses"and great defining speeches on freedom by"George Bush"Even better MsChakrabarti would also accompany moi and Ms Abbott back to the town house paid by the great British Tax-payer and there we would get deep down and dirty.Legalised drugs like Viagra would be taken and illegal drugs would also be consumed,after all I am playing the role of the tempter,so Ms Chakrabarti and Ms Abbott would purely for research purposes be granted leave to experiment.Preaching the Gospel of unconditional love the evening would be a night to remember as I drifted off to sleep ensconsed between these mothers of all Womanhood.

    The next day you would see a distinct change in Ms Chakrabarti's demeanour and mood and the woman would rightfully be restored to what we all would wish her to be.

  9. Ha, ha, ha...  :) I would have to stick a couple of sausages in my ears.

  10. Hmm well I don't do racism, so just you run along & do something useful... ZZZ

    Hmm Alana C ( what's the C for, let me guess...)  I don't need email from most of the nutters on this site. I get enough c**p already.

    Oh, and thanks for the reaction!  Makes a change from being violated!  Frankly my dear ,I don't give a d**n...

    Racism is  the fear of difference. Try to get above that babe.

  11. Suicidal.

  12. Abused and dirty.

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