
How would you feel if your 23 year old daughter had never kissed a boy,nor had a boyfriend, and never had s*x?

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How would you feel if your 23 year old daughter had never kissed a boy,nor had a boyfriend, and never had s*x?




  1. thats none of the parents' business if they cant accept their child's personal business. my father accepts me for what i want/dont want. that is the daughter's personal business. it is not neccesary to have a boyfriend in ones life to be happy.

    for your information i am a 23-yr-old daughter and i am wonderfuly happy to be just myself- my own father accepts me for who i am. i am asexual.

  2. Shes just innocent. Whats the problem? And how do you know this?

  3. Proud.

  4. I was sexually active at a young age so if my daughter was 23 and still a virgin i'd be happy, so as long as she has friends

  5. For your information, I was 23 years old when I got married.    Met my husband when I was 22 and did not have s*x until I was married.  What did my parents think of me?  They were glad that I waited.  And when my daughter turns 23 and she is had never had s*x, I would proud of her as well.

  6. thats great!! why is this a big deal! more should b like her!!

  7. With all the girls getting themselves pregnant by some moron who doesn't have the balls to step up and take responsibility for their spawn I'd be thankful if I were you.

  8. I'd say that she is really ugly or you have her locked up in the attic. There is an outside chance that she saw Mommy and Daddy doing the wild thing and has been scarred for life.

  9. I am a parent. I know how you feel. I would be concerned, too even though I may not need to be. My friend has a son who is about the same age as your daughter and he has just now found a girl that he really likes and is dating. I think it's great that she's never had s*x yet! I would be happy if it were my child, but I do understand being concerned. Statistics say though if you wait until your late 20's to marry your chances of your marraige lasting will be significantly greater. Have you talked to her about your concerns? Do you think you should? I would have a heart to heart talk with her and find out how she feels about never having kissed a boy or had a boyfriend.

    Asking her how she feels about it may ease your mind on how you feel. She may be just as concerned as you. She may desire it too. Maybe she just needs a makeover. You could make it a girly day to go out and buy new outfits and have makeovers and get hair & nails done and have a heart to heart talk.

  10. I would be very grateful! And maybe I would be questioning her sexuality...

  11. i had my first boyfriend at 23.  it's my husband.  he's the only man i've ever kissed, dated, or had s*x with, and my mother was relieved.  i think it's a great thing not to run around, hooking up and sleeping with every guy you meet.

  12. BE PROUD!!! She has good willpower, and is STD free!

    1 in 4 have an STD - you shouldn't be concerned but rather happy!

  13. I'm not a parent so I wouldn't know. If she didn't wish to then I guess I would leave things be. Her life, her body, her choices.  

  14. Well not you........but if she is not good looking or has may be the reason why...but.................................. see nothing wrong with it because if thats her choice...then dont worry....maybe she doesnt want s*x....she probley has a room full of hundreds of s*x toys.....and stuff..mybe she is L*****n

  15. She probably has. My mum thinks my husband was my first kiss/ lover but little does she know....

  16. I would be impressed!!!   maybe she is waiting for someone specific. Maybe she know she is worth more than trying out a bunch of frogs before getting her prince!

    I would not be concerned

  17. I would be concerned for her.  I would do what I could to help her with social skills, and encourage her to get out and meet some people.  Interpersonal skills are very important in life.  You have to work with people and deal with people in most aspects of life.  Without those experiences you don't develop those skills and being behind the peer group is not a good thing.  For this reason, I am not a fan of private all girl, or all boy schools.  It is hard to make decisions that aren't naive if you have no experience.  I don't think it is a black or white matter, some middle ground would be best.  No experience, versus too much experience, I don't know which is worse.  Certainly being reckless, and cavalier with s*x isn't desirable either.  I would just hope for and encourage an average experience.

  18. If I was a parent, I wouldn't care its their business not mine.

    But I'm a kid so yay.

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