
How would you feel if your child cowered away from you out of fear you will hit him/her ?

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How would you feel if your child cowered away from you out of fear you will hit him/her ?




  1. I would feel child should cower away from their parents. That's when they, the parents, should get help.

  2. i would feel terrible. any kid that is scared that his/her parent is going to hit them is one sad kid. he/her has either been hit before or has a guilty conscience and his his/her eyes did something wrong and is scared to be punished. maybe you just need to sit down and talk to him/her.

  3. i would feel like i did my job right, kid needs to learn respect somehow!Just dont hit him too hard, little smacks every now and then will do just as good as a hard smack every day.

  4. Someone has hit them

  5. This is a sign of an abused child.  Even if you don't think that you're being abusive, you are.  You may not be obviously physically abusive with your child, but there are obvious signs that hint emotional or mental abuse.

    I would just look into this, maybe get help for your child.  If he/she is suffering from abusive parents you'd want to reverse the psychological damage while the child is still young and it is easier to do so.

  6. My son did it once, but i have never hit him.  Made me think of who might have, but he has never done it again,  Maybe something he saw on tv, who knows.  Yes it did make me feel terrible though.

  7. Have you hit the kid in the past? maybe he/she is afraid of you for good reason. How would you feel?

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