
How would you feel if your kids wanted to date interracially?

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Would you disown your child if they chose to date outside their race?

If you're white and your daughter brought home a black guy, how would you feel? Would you look at him an different?




  1. my fathers family is from the east and they are really racist. My mom broke my dad of all that thinking. I brought home a black boy and you know he was really cool with it. He cared more that the guy was being respectful. I think thats all that matters. Don't judge a book by its cover.

  2. hope that they are strong enough to endure the comments and looks people will be giving. me personally , i do not date other races. it is a personal choice. the same for religion, as long as they believe close to what i believe i will date them. if they are...way out there in their beliefs..i do not date them.

  3. I wouldn't care. I'm not very into guys of my own race myself.

  4. no different at all, why should I limit who my children fall in love with based on pigmentation?

  5. I'm bitter sweet on this subject. I've had bad experiences with black men, but I now have a half black half white nephew and he's amazing. Not all black men are great, just like not all white men are great. I'd just get to know the kid. If you tell your little girl she can't see him, truuust me.... she will. and then she'll purposly try to make you mad. you're better off just waiting it out and stepping in when you need to. i'm not a racist by any means, but I can see why some people may have a sterotype thought of black men. We do it with everybody, black white asian african indian man women g*y and straight.

  6. Nope wouldnt matter a long as they are good people.

  7. what does the color matter it is 2008 and we are all equal and love does not come in skin color. who ever is still thinking that way needs get a life and let there kids live theres

  8. I'll be frank.. I was raised by a racist.  I'd have a hard time with it, if my son brought home a girl of another race.

    Would I do or say anything to break them up?  Not if I could help it.  I'm working really hard to overcome my upbringing.

  9. I would be okay with it as long as he was respectful. Being a certain color doesn't make who you are.

  10. I wouldn't care, as long as they are good people who respect my child.

    My cousin (who is also my best friend) married a Korean guy. He's one of the nicest people I know, and they get along great- you know they were made for each other as soon as you see them together.

    At first, our family flipped out because we're Greek-American and we were expected to marry somebody who is also Greek. When they got to know him better, they fell in love with him too, and we all like him better than we liked her ex (Greek) boyfriends.

  11. Well my daughter is inter-racial so yea it would be kind of strange if I was funny about it !! :)

    I married a black man (I am white) and no one has disowned me...  although some still are not completely comfortable with it.  As the years go by they understand it more and more.   Strangers sometimes not so much !

  12. Who cares... As long as they are happy race plays no issue into what I think about a person.

  13. No way! Diversity rocks, and it's about time for real change. If he was disrespectful then confront your daughter but he's really no different than any other guy that she could bring home. Would you rather her bring home a white trash, super baggy jeans, dirty mouth, and ugly hair?

  14. I think that's up to my child to make the choice.  I'd either like their personality or not, then I'd either encourage the relationship or not.  I'd always be respectful and mind myself because even though I may not like them, doesn't mean my child wouldn't.  I'd be happy for my children if they were happy and treated well by whoever they chose.

  15. I would be okay with it.  More important to me is that they date someone who shares our value system and convictions.

  16. I'm an American born white hick from northern NY and I'm dating a filipina. I just don't find completely white women to really be that attractive. Sometimes its the attitude to that causes people to date other races.

  17. odds are you would beat and mistreat her,have children with physical and mental problems and the children would not be accepted in social situations.What a selfish thing to do to children all in the name of "progeressive culture and  education " which actually means conquering and enslavement

  18. Color of skin does not matter...quality of a person is what matters.

  19. I'm happily married outside of my race.  And if my son doesn't want to be with someone of my race or my husband's then so be it.  We are all people after all.  It's how the person acts that would make me not like them not their race.

  20. I will have zero issues with the race my children choose to date.  My issues will be more with what the family of that date is like.  If the boy or girl comes from a family who is respectable and has similar views to us, I don't have a problem with that.  (I don't mean same religion, I mean similar morals)  If they are from a family who is degrading to women or where they feel that beating your wife is "acceptable" or "your right as a man" or something, then no, I don't think I would be okay with that.  But from a nice family who happens to have a different skin color?  Nah, wouldn't be a problem at all, as far as I'm concerned.

  21. No big deal.  As long as the person isn't rude and disrespectful...

  22. Tough call. My grandpa was raised that interracial dating was very frowned upon he just didnt like it and i was rasied by not only my mom but by my grandparents as well. I was always afraid of that cause i dont think he would disown me oh but he would never ever forgive me of that i am certain. So dating interracially was never an option for me. Also please dont say well you could have talk to him or just let him go he was an old man who was set in his ways like trying to talk to a brick wall and he was in all intense purposes my dad cause mine was a jerk who left my mom the moment she told him about me. If my child though thought different and wanted to date someone of a different race i wouldnt have a problem with it just because i dont doesnt mean she has to follow in my foot steps its her life her choice.

  23. No,

      That's terrible then again my opinion is a one based on the fact that my mother is white and my father is Mexican/ Native American 2 tribes.

  24. as long as they are happy i am happy

  25. Is he a nice guy?  Do they get along?  Is he responsible & respectful?  Do they make each other happy?

    Then, I'm fine with the relationship.

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