
How would you feel if your neighbor put up a flagpole in their yard and raised their American flag often?

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My liberal family members cracked jokes and accused us of trying to create controversy when we decided to put a flagpole in our yard. Mind you, my father placed a flagpole in every yard we ever had while I was growing up.




  1. How would I feel? that's easy. Thankful that my neighbor get it and annoyed that my family doesn't.

    The Flag represents the believes and values set forth in our founding documents (the Declaration, the Constitution etc) not who is in the White House or who in control of the houses of Congress. You family needs to get a grip.

    Your Father seem like a good man.  Happy Independence  Day!!

  2. It's the thing to do, why question it?

  3. I am not even American BORN, and that is simply a matter of respect for your country. i have a an Ecuadorian Flag  hung on my wall In my office and and American Flag  by my mailbox at home.

    I think its a matter of respect and you should be able to show it openly.  


  4. I'd feel proud to be their neighbor.

  5. I would Salute my neighbors for their display of patriotism.

  6. Not an issue for 99.9% of liberals

    Your liberal family member must see something you don't

  7. The American flag is a symbol. It represents the ideals upon which this nation was founded, long before artificial labels like liberal, conservative, republican, democrat... were used as instruments of divisiveness.

    It honors those who gave their lives and fortunes to build this nation. It does not represent the individual(s) who are currently at the helm, rather they should be representing it.

    It represents an Ideal, one worthy of being proud of. Of standing up for. If anything it should be a source of unity, rather than controversy; a reminder that we are separate states, separate cities, separate families, united in  the cause of justice, tranquility, liberty, posterity.

  8. It's not my yard, so why should I care? As long as it's not blatantly offensive or detracts from my property value in any way, neighbors should do as they please and be left alone in the process.

  9. If you blast Reveille at 6 a.m. as you raise the flag it might prove annoying... other than that, go for it.

  10. First off, good for you! Second, are you also performing the other acts of obvious good citizenship, like voting, like supporting your country, and (personal peeve) identifying your country correctly as (United States, Mexico, Canada, just to cover the North American countries) so as not to insult the OTHER American countries?

  11. My mom and dad did, and my husband (JROTC instructor) always makes sure their flag is in good repair and destroys their old one for them when necessary.  He does it for grade school children to see the proper way to destroy an American flag.

  12. LOL  

    I'd salute every morning and be thankful its not one of those super-large stadium flags.

  13. I fly mine on my balconey so it can be seen. The only ones creating controversy are your anti-American lib family. I would just give them my proudest one finger flag salute.

  14. It would be a very good way to get invited to my next cook out.

  15. just even having to ask a question like this proves how sorry our country is becoming.........THANK YOU LIBS.....

  16. Honestly, I find it great. You're such good citizens of your country. And a patriot at that!

  17. I salute your father!  And maybe he would be interested in going with me to visit the person or persons who find an American flag on American soil offensive to their ethnic sensibilities.  We are ethnic too, American ethnic!!!!  And if these folks want to see a flag they approve of perhaps your father and I can drive them to the airport???  I will ride shotgun and I mean that in the nicest possible way.

  18. It depends where you are. Many ethnic people, and some whites, consider traditional American patriotic symbols offensive in that they, especially flags, are sometimes used for xenophobic agendas. Case in point: KKK, Skin Head, American n**i, and other hate-based groups often use flags to express themselves politically.

    I'm disappointed with many of the other respondent's answers here. Of course there's nothing wrong, per se, with putting up a flag, but one should be mind full of neighbors who might be offended or even intimidated with such displays.

  19. It would offend me!

  20. It's your yard, fly your underwear for all I care, just don't play the music loud, paint your house purple and black with green polkadots, don't cut the grass, park junk cars in the yard, I don't give a F..., If your neighbors yard bothers you that's your problem, just leave me alone and I won't bother you,,,,,,,

  21. i have 1 in my yard so tell the neighbors to close there eyes or shut up .

  22. I would feel glad to live next to people who respected our country!

    I'm liberal and proudly display the flag in my front yard and will ALWAYS continue to do so. I think those family members of yours are terribly ignorant and need to wake up and realize how fortunate they are to live here in America. It's people like that who give me and the many other moderate liberals a bad name- it really pisses us off.

    Just because I don't agree with a lot what is going on with our country, doesn't mean I love it any less. I live in a great place where I can express my opinions freely, and make a difference by voting and getting involved in politics and my community to make a change.

  23. I will be fine  with it.

  24. Tell them to kiss off

  25. I would ask if I could help.  Actually I have two neighbors who have flagpoles in their front yards and their flags are proudly displayed everyday.  

    I live in a neighborhood where this is very common and I am thrilled that it is.  God Bless America

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