
How would you feel in your 17-year-old daughter dated a guy who was 22?

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I'm 17, and my boyfriend is 22.

How would you feel as a parent if I were your daughter?

I want answers from both men and women.

I think my mom would freak out, but I'm not so sure about my dad.

What's so wrong about me dating a guy who is 22?

He's very nice and he doesn't force me to do anything, but I don't think my parents would understand or believe me.




  1. I wouldn't like it at all.

  2. i would wonder what a college graduate/college senior saw in my high schooler.  honestly, i wouldn't be happy with it, cause unless my kid was already in college it's just too much of a difference.  it's like a 17 year old dating a 5th/6th grader.  it's a big sociological difference and no matter how mature my daughter was, i'd wonder why a 22 year old would want to date someone who he couldn't even bring to a bar to hang out with his friends, take out on a school night, visit at school without looking like a super dork loser (trust me, in college, it was NOT cool to date high schoolers.  it looked desperate and sad), etc.

    so quite frankly, i wouldn't allow it.  

  3. Every situation is different and one can't make generalizations.  If you feel this is possible long term relationships then you should definitely take steps to reassure your parents, such as inviting him for dinner.

  4. For me personally, it would depend on if you were still in high school AND the laws in your state/country.  In some states, it would be illegal for him to do anything with you, so I would be uncomfortable with the temptation being there.

    On the other hand, if you are still in high school, I would be against it.  Most normal 22 year old guys have nothing in common with a girl in high school, at least at a dating level.  I wouldn't freak, but I would be uncomfortable with the situation and probably encourage you to see him as a friend until you graduated versus a boyfriend.  If he really loved you, that would be okay with him.

  5. I would consider it iffy depending on the guy. But as long as you stay away from s*x no problem

  6. I wouldn't mind, plus if you live in the states, you are of legal age to have s*x without parental consent.

  7. There is a huge difference between 17 and 22!

    Although you may see people like your parents, aunts or uncles who have a 5 year difference it makes much less of a difference when you are both older and have truly experienced life.

    I can't tell you how much experience you will gain in life in just the next 3 years.

    If he really is a good guy he would have already expressed this to you. Remember, he is an adult, able to drink, party, buy a car, etc. He has experienced more than you have and will have more abilities than you do.

    Please, if he is a good guy then tell him you'll look him up in a few years when you've had some time to be a teenager!

  8. I would not like it.

    I also wouldn't like it if my 22 year old son was dating a 17 year old girl.

  9. I would have no problem with it if he respected her and they had a positive relationship based on things they had in common, etc.

    My daughter (she's only 12 now but if she was 17 and about the same as she is now but more grown up) is trustworthy and I would take her judgment about the guy into heavy consideration while contemplating whether or not she was allowed to date him, and whether she could date him exclusively or if I would require her to not get serious about him.

  10. i was 16 and i dated a guy who was 19. my parents forbid me from dating him until they got to know him. i would suggest that as what you should do. let your parents get to know him and maybe theyll come around once they see that he's not a bad guy who just trying to take advantage of their daughter.

    but personally if i were a parent who had a daughter who was doing this i would probably try to stop her because the age difference is pretty big.

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