
How would you finish this sentence 'The technology these days were so high tech than fifty years ago that...'?

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it is in a short science fiction story ..

'The technology these days were so high tech than fifty years ago that...'




  1. Great question. First off, I'd replace "high tech" with "sophisticated", because using "technology" at the beginning of the sentence makes the second use of "tech" a little redundant.

    That said, here's a couple I came up with:

    Technology these days is so much more sophisticated than fifty years ago, that we are beginning to lose out on a simpler existence.

    Technology these days is so much more sophisticated than fifty years ago, that there is a steep learning curve for people who have no experience with it.

    Technology these days is so much more sophisticated than fifty years ago, that just imagining where it will go in the next decade has been the source of great excitement as well as great fear.

    Technology these days is so much more sophisticated than fifty years ago, that it may be our saving grace or, just as aptly, our greatest downfall.

  2. The technolgy these days is so much higher than it was fifty years ago that it seems like science fiction.

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