
...............How would you forget? ?

by  |  earlier

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Just wondering how you can forget someone you really love, but that keeps hurting you. No matter how many chances they get, they never change. What can I do to help get over this person and hopefully be happy again?




  1. Try to amuse yourself. Go out. Have fun. Be with people who u believe that they care about u. Don't let bad thoughts come to ur head.

  2. You do this by realizing that you are the greatest person in your entire existence.. When you know that within yourself at the very core of your being you will forget that person.. It took me two years but that was because I kept making me suffer with the Why's.. Why was I hated so much or Why was he so hurtful to me..

    You have to stomp him out of your system and you do that by realizing that you are far better then causing yourself to miss a monster like that one period..

    Think it, Know it, and it Will happen..

  3. do something to get him off your mind... fill your days with nothing empty! always have something to do! Go exercise.... join a gym... go hang out with the girls!

  4. i gave my ex 3 chances.. to make things right..

    and he always ended up hurting me..

    now im with someone else..

    and he asking me for another chance

    i just said no..

    wasnt gonna make excuses for him anymore.. i always made excuses for him for him to behave and treat me the way he did..

    for me.. the pain stopped as soon as i stopped giving him a chance.. the chance to hurt me..

  5. Give it time. That's all you can do.

    When my husband left me I thought I'd never get over him.

    3 years later I think he's an idiot!!

  6. There is no good answer because you love someone that doesn't love you back, that really hurts. As for getting over them, you never will but you can change your life without them in it. You have to first understand your more important than allowing someone to treat you badly. Maybe if you start taking up for yourself he would change but I doubt it. Some times we have to move away or stop doing some of the old habits which includes going to old hangout places and sometimes friends. If you want to heal, then you have to be willing to take the medicine that it will take for you to do that. Stop contact and stop the old routine of living. He will always hang around in your heart but you can learn (with time) how to deal with it. Good luck!

  7. You don't really forget them, you just move on...

    You end up thinking of them less and less as time goes by...  

  8. You need to work on accepting what you know and wrote:

    "No matter how many chances they get, they never change."

    Old adage:  time heals all wounds

    New one:  hopefully, time wounds all heels.

  9. Well first off, you need to stop giving this person chances because its not only doing  you no good, but its like stabbing yourself in the heart over and over again. This person is not going to change so its time you move on with your life. Just put yourself out there and in before you know it you will have a new man in your life.

  10. i don't know never been in love.wait dose myself count?  

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