
How would you foster a positive self-concept in your students?

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With secondary 7-12 grade students




  1. First:

    Never use words like ,no, not, wrong, stupid, messy, poor, underachieving, etc.

    If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all.


    Don't give meaningless praise. Reward positives only; ignore the rest.

    Buy the book; "Don't Shoot the Dog". It will tell you all you need to know.

  2. be their best friend(that understand them) but oso be their parent(that giving advices)! dont scold them too much or else they will scare of u! but oso dont be too nice to them or else they will "put their feet on ur head"(they will not respect u as their teacher but their little friend!)! so keep everything u do balance!

  3. you need to put in more details to help people answer your question

  4. there is an increasing popular technique called neuro linguistic programming. see if there are any experts in your area.

  5. Dp you mean how can you not look like a complete tool and still do your job right?

    Well firstly be honest (with everything, I mean EVERYTHING)

    never wear anything you think your students might wear, anything other than consevative casual. Dont wear clother you got from the opp shop (my teacher does that, once even with the price tag still on, like $3 or something). Dont wear anything you've made yourself. Drop the occational bad word, let your personality show. Never ever let anyone insult you or whisper anything about you and get away with it. Be forceful and dont quote school rules never say i expected better or i thought... Dont force people to learn. But dont let them do nothing in class. Always thourghly plan lessons and dont forget things or misplace things. Do a class party at end of term. Stick up for students getting paid out and most importantly dont act as though we are 3 year old, get it through you head that although we might be 1/2 your age or younger we are not stupid (although if some kids persist in acting 3 treat them like it) and NEVER EVER say something and not follow through EVER.

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