
How would you get over the heart ache of a Mother that never really loved you and Sisters that hurt you.

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I am dealing with family problems. My problems is I care about my Mother even through she has never been there for me, And my Sisters hurt me even through i have been a good sister and tried to be there for my young Sister growning up. I would pick her up in a moments notice when things were going bad with all the drinking and fighting in the household. My older sister were she needed anything, Or just a place to get away. I am the type that trys to treat people the way i would like to be treated. And care even when I am told I should not, But its not that easy. Now I do not even know if my Mother is alive or Dead, I can not even find out Because My young Sister has a habit or being rude and hanging up the phone. No before you ask, I did not do anything to deserve this, Except care. So I have no guilt about that. Its just that it still hurts, Has anyone had this in their family..If so how did you get over It. And stop thinking about it.




  1. dont think too long as your a good daughter and a good sister

    one day you will earn good luck...just love your family...

    the more they hate the more they will love

    give them some more times to think about it

    teach them love and make them know how to love

    impress them...make them happy

    even though they yell and hurt you

    just keep it inside quietly and show them

    how much you love them

    and one day u should tell them that u r hurt by every single words they say...but u dont need to if you dont want to...good ones always

    deserve will have to wait longer until the day comes

    your happy day...but just keep loving them...dont say anything

  2. First, stop dwelling on it and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

    You have no control over how others are. You do however have control over who you are and who you want to be.

    Move forward with your life.  

  3. I would not most likely be able to completely get over it, but I would make sure that I shared my feelings with them so at least they could share in my pain. I would think that eventually I would be able to forgive, but I would never forget.

  4. OMG

    i am sooo sorry

    dont blame yourself for ANYTHING!!!!

    you know you  have done good things in your life

    you always help you family

    i honestly think you should jsut continue to help your family

    and if you do try to find your mom or dad make sure your sister isnt around!

    if your mom left you i would talk to her about how hurt you were and stuff

    as i say............

    you arent a hampster and life isnt running in a wheel, so explore the cage!!!!

    you are like the hampster stuck in the wheel

    try to find your mom

    and for give yourself!!!!

    its not your falt

  5. Honestly, and i dont know if i am the best one to answer this one. I havent spoken to my family since Katrina. If they are treating you this way, stop feeling as if yuo owe them something by trying to apologize to them.....find or make some friends, discover something about yourself you never thought you could do....anything to s=keep yourself from dwelling on this. Cut your losses and move on because they are not changing anytime soon. The more you do for people like that, the more they hurt you....believe me.

  6. Sounds like your just feeling sorry for yourself.

  7. Honestly, you treated them the way you would like to be treated, so clearly they are treating you the way they would like you to treat them.

    The issue here is that they don't appreciate what you do, and they don't respect you. Yes, they are your family, and you will love them unconditionally, but if they aren't willing to treat you with that same rule, then you are much better than that. I think that in a way, they may be annoyed by you wanting to be involved. Just enjoy yourself and don't worry about them, whether you do or you don't, it's the same situation. No news about your mother. No politeness from your sister. There will come a time where she will need you, and maybe when she calls you, YOU'LL hang up the phone.

    You just need to start respecting yourself. You're better than that. You need to use this and make it motivation. Take all of that hatred that you're feeling and boost it toward making yourself successful. When you have success and they are still left behind, they're going to think about the mistake they made, and they will constantly want you back in their lives.

    I know it sounds bad, but it's what people in society have become accustomed to doing.

    Make something of yourself.

    and make them regret cutting you off of their lives.

  8. i had the same almost the same problem but my father died and my mom was an Alcoholic my little brother died my twin brother is the total opposite of me so we never see eye to eye. i know what your going through there is not much you can do you cant change other people no matter how much you love them an how hard u try. just try to remember there is always people out there going through the same thing as u and try to build strength off that. and be strong everything happens for a reason

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