I am dealing with family problems. My problems is I care about my Mother even through she has never been there for me, And my Sisters hurt me even through i have been a good sister and tried to be there for my young Sister growning up. I would pick her up in a moments notice when things were going bad with all the drinking and fighting in the household. My older sister were she needed anything, Or just a place to get away. I am the type that trys to treat people the way i would like to be treated. And care even when I am told I should not, But its not that easy. Now I do not even know if my Mother is alive or Dead, I can not even find out Because My young Sister has a habit or being rude and hanging up the phone. No before you ask, I did not do anything to deserve this, Except care. So I have no guilt about that. Its just that it still hurts, Has anyone had this in their family..If so how did you get over It. And stop thinking about it.