
How would you get rid of tenants that have over stayed their welcome?

by  |  earlier

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its my brother's in- laws family




  1. I have rid myself of tenants by telling them that I sold the property.  I bring thru a friend that they don't know, give a week, and tell them that I am closing the end of the month.  

  2. Start charging them more.

  3. Raise the rent, I am sure they will start looking for a place that is more reasonbly priced...

  4. I would find my state's landlord/tenant laws and learn how to do it legally!  

    I would tell them (before August 30th and in a written letter that I both hand and mail to them with delivery confirmation) that their tenancy will end on September 30th (whatever your state's notice period is).

    On October 1, if they have not moved out, I would begin legal eviction proceedings against them doing it 100% by the way the law says to do it.

    I would not expect my brother-in-law to by happy about it, but it's not his house.  

  5. I've had this problem myself, and if dropping some obvious hints doesn't work, unfortunately you are going to have to be upfront about it.

    The way i see it is if people are going to be rude enough to overstay their welcome you needn't feel bad coming straight out and telling them that you would like your house and privacy back.  You could maybe soften the blow by saying you wish you had enough room for them, but unfortunately you don't.  There's no need for you to be rude when telling them - just say that you've loved having them, but it's now time for you to get back into a routine.  If you have children, say you need to settle them back into a routine!  Not a nice thing to have to do, but it needs to be said and the sooner the better!! Good Luck!

  6. Here's a few suggestions:

    Tell them you are expecting visitors and you will need the space/room they are occupying.  Or better yet, tell them you are selling/renting your house and inform them you will be moving soon so they better leave. Or you need renovation done in your house in a few weeks and everyone should clear the space.

    YOu need to show AUTHORITY, it's your house. Don't let them abuse your generosity.

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