
How would you go about finding a running buddy?

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Ok - so imagine this:

You have moved 300 miles away from your friends and family.

You don't work.

You don't study.

You aren't involved in any social activities.

How would you go about finding a running buddy?




  1. well, if you are in school join a cross country or track team! =D

  2. New in town?  Go to the local running store and ask if there is a running club.  Join them.  Before you know it, you will find some one to run with at your speed.  Look up on the internet and look through the Chamber of Commerce or City website and look for club listings/recreation, your bound to find something there too.

    Good luck finding a running buddy.

    Too bad were not in the same city, I'd call you up for a run.

    Run happy:)

  3. Craigslist has something for this. Of course, that's the internet, so you're never sure what's going to come about from that.

    See if there's a running club (or something like that) in your area. Even going to a running store would be a good idea, you can meet people there or at the very least post a flyer asking for people to run with you.

    Good luck!

  4. where do you live =]

  5. someone that can keep up with u

  6. gym or if you see someone running around your neighborhood just tag along

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