
How would you go about getting your product into retail stores?

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How would you go about getting your product into retail stores?




  1. Theoretically, there are many established ways and means to put the products into retails. Modern management techniques are experimenting many more novel ways with reasonable success. Scores of books by many renowned authors are available in the market explaining many issues involved.

    Practically, depending upon the scale of business, one has to carefully choose a model with reasonable flexibility in the ever changing business environments. It is a careful planning and execution keeping in mind many important aspects such as resources, competition, territory.........

    It is advisable to avail the services of suitable professionals these days. Entrepreneur need to concentrate on many more significant aspects simultaneously, therefore, professional assistance come handy and give dedicated attention through the services of these professionals.

  2. You have to find a distributor that sees money in mass-production of your product. That means, patents, to start...I don't know the next step, though.

  3. Find a marketing machine that's interested in advertising your product.

  4. Contact a decent distributor who has a great network and tell him to handle it for you. Offer him perks and your product will be a hit across the country, but do have a quality product.

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