
How would you go about joing a buddist temple in tibet or india?

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I am thinking of joining a buddist temple and getting out of america. I am a very spirital person and I know that I will never reach enlightnment in america so I believe I need to leave. I dont know the first thing about joining and i am not even sure they will accept me since I am not a native.




  1. According to Voice of America, the US government news agency, that China is to talk with Dalai's envoy in Beijing .

    If China has set a good example, then the US, as World Champion of Democracy, should not be overtaken by China,

    1) talk to Hawaii Kingdom's representative. or the Acting Council of Regency in Honolulu.

    2) talk to the representative of Alaskan Independence Party

    3 talk to and recognize the Republic of Lakotah---- the original owners of North American continent, Nancy Pelosi should meet Russell Means, the spiritual and temporal leader of Lakotah Nation.

    Beijing is to meet and talk. What’s wrong with the US for not to? Waiting for others accusing us for Changing of Heart on Democracy?

  2. Hi. I'll try to answer.

    I felt quite the same. I left my country 8 years ago and havn't been back.

    I live in India. I could tell you much about Vaisnavism. I'm in a temple in Vrindavan dhama the place where Krishna is worshipped.

    I stayed in Nepal in a Buddhist training centre for foreigners once. A few years back. It was peaceful but it wasn't my kind of thing. And it was a bit expensive.

    From there I visited a monestry and nunnery.

    I don't know about them accepting you either but what you can do is go one step at a time. You can go to one of those places for foreigners and from there work your way. Go with the flow. Meet people and find things out.

    Whatever you do, when you come to countries like these you can find spiritual opportunities at every step. In every direction you look. So many choices you just follow your heart and find what is right for you.

    I would highly recomend the action of coming here with spiritual goals in mind.

    Please write to me if you need any other info.

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