
How would you go about this?

by Guest65497  |  earlier

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I have been a Support Worker for the last 6years & love it, I was supporting 4 elderly gents till last year when the eldest died, In a professional sense I love the Old lad, he was funny, lovable, Quite Cunning but we knew him, Our lad was replaced by a Male of 50 that has been with his Mum until she died about 4 years ago, he was very spoilt, he came to our house unaware what the staff of 6 was like, to a point he has settled in But, his attitude is really getting staff down, yesterday he said to me you are my servant!! my reply to this, I am here to support you and help you but I am not yours or anyone servant, We try our best with this person but he thinks that he can talk to staff as if they are a heap of Sh--- the Manager of the house keeps saying he is the manager to which I do not agree with, The person has L.D. has Fits when he cannot get his way but I have seen through that so Ignore it, I try very hard to support him but this is getting a lot of us down, One staff has left because of the problem, Your comments would be welcomed




  1. Some people are a pain in the rear; however, if I am overly affected by it, then I would consider myself to have a problem.  In that case I use something called Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy to reevaluate my opinions and beliefs which cause me inappropriate emotions.  Books by Albert Ellis or Windy Dryden help.

  2. either ingnore the old b*****d or just say ok to his nastyness, he sounds angry because of his situation, sooner or later he may let up, time is on your side not his.

  3. I work with special needs it hard but we do like and disslike others we try not too but thats human nature. The autistic teacher at our school taught me a lot. speak to him in one two word phrases so he has not got to concentrate on too much info if he has a tantrum walk away as long as he and others are safe from harm leave him be, when he realises no one is watch or paying him attention he will soon stop. unfortunately people with L D find changes in routine very hard hes only been with you a few months remember these people are only children in their heads we have to treat them as so, we are tolerant and patient with kids we have to be the same with these peole too. Good luck  more people who care like us are needed and remember your care and attention is very much appreciated by his family.

  4. hmmm interesting. he's been spoiled his whole life until he was 50 and now he's finding it hard to get his way so he's throwing fits. very interesting. i'd say deal with him like you would a child since he is acting that way. but if you are volunteering then yell at him, unless you're actually working for this company then i'd say you're in trouble. it's very hard to deal with someone that is so unreasonable. you may want to ignore his fits and inform him that his attitude is not to be tolerated or appreciated.  

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