
How would you grade Palin's speech (A-F)?

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How would you grade Palin's speech (A-F)?




  1. It must have been a AAAAA+++++

    Keith Olberman was stammering.

    Chris Matthews said that it wasn't about Hillary at all. It was a "torpedo" aimed directly at Barack and Michelle Obama.  And it was a great speech.  It compared it to Norma Rae.

    Chris clearly GOT the point.

    There was a lot of stammering on MSNBC tonight.

    Olberman was having a hard time.

    This speech was a major hit. It struck Obama below the waterline.

    His campaign is taking on water.

  2. B- on reading from the prompter.

    F on telling about herself.

    F on what her ticket will do for America.

    A on citation of RNC talking points.

    F on tone.  

  3. There were some concrete proposals that make sense, some core values that she illustrated with her life and work experiences which will resonate with Americans, and a sincere positive outlook coupled with a realistic assessment of several current international situations.   I haven't seen any of those things so far in this election from either party.

    It was probably one of the best convention speeches in two decades.

    It wouldn't surprise me a bit if we later find out that we just met the 45th President of the U.S.  She's much better material than we've had to work with in quite some time.  Maybe the GOP is about ready to stop emulating the Democrats.

  4. I'm a Democrat and Id give her a:

    B+ in the general context of the political context it was simple and sarcastic an orator she was dramatic and exciting.....I will say that McCain will really have to bring the house down tomorrow because Obamas speech was transcendent and he is still holding a 7 point lead in the polls

  5. I liked her speech, but a friend sent me a link to The Weekly Rader. That site gave her speech a letter grade.  He's a liberal writing professor, but it's a fun read.

    At least he watched it with students, as long as he didn't brainwash them.

  6. F - She sounds like your typical Republican with her ethics questions and her right-wing extremist views.  Go take care of your family.  They obviously need you more than this country does.

  7. A++

    It's about time people start telling the truth about Obama's lack of substance and empty rhetoric.

  8. I could give a great speech too if I had time to rehearse it beforehand and have the speech on teleprompter to help me stay on track.  Remember she had experiences projecting herself in front of the television camera while she worked as a sportscaster some twenty years ago.  

  9. did you mean the speech that a loyalist wrote for her?


    but she did a good job reading the teleprompters. and making lame jokes. and might i add, blowing kisses. well, how diddly.

    *applause, applause*

  10. D -  She didn't flub the words or hiccup or anything.  That's about all the positives I can think of.

  11. ABSOLUTLY TERRIFIC A+++++++++++

    McCain/Palin 2008

  12. B...

    But thats OK....

    After all...she isnt a Harvard elitist community organizer  LOL

  13. Definitely an A+...definitely has much more actual experience than Obama or Biden!

    No wonder the left is panicking and peeing in their pants!  Once Nader gets going they'll be Sh$tting in their pants and vomiting!

    Go McCain / Palin '08!

  14. A + in two sentences sarah said the reasons why obama is a danger to america

  15. Solid A.  She dispelled the notion that she lacks experience by pointing to her experience as an executive-decision maker (Obama lacks in this area), she is certainly not an elitist (Hello Obama, Joe & Hillary), she validated McCain's leadership ability and exposed Obama for the snake-oil salesman he is by pointing out that he has authored two memoirs but not a single piece of legislation.  

  16. A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++...

  17. A+

    I have never in my life seen someone as real as her in politics!

  18. I would give her an A.  First time on the national stage and all the c**p she's been through for the past week. She did very very well..

  19. Finger Pointing




    This women says F

  20. honest, as a democrat it was a good anti speech disjointed and not very truthful just what the fascist right wants to hear

  21. I'd give her a D and that's being nice, the extra point added for effort. Normally she'd get an F as her speech really wasn't a speech at all, it was an endless attack on Obama and his campaign.

  22. Solid A.

    Mrs. Palin was likable. Witty. Straight forward.

    The biggest speech of her life in front of the RNC convention and millions of Americans watching on TV and she nailed it.

    The humor was tremendous in the attck mode of just enjoying the moment.

    The joke about the difference betwen pitbulls and hockey mom's was great and genuine. The answer is lipstick.

    My wife and I are Democrats that supported HRC and are genuinely are supporting Mr. McCain for presdient.

    We do believe that Mrs. Plain is the best possible pick for the VP slot.

  23. F - shrill & concrete ideas on the issues...obviously written for her

  24. A for sarcasm

    F for actual content

    She didn't say anything, but it was kinda funny.

  25. A+  

    Anyone stating otherwise is just too blind or scared to admit it.

  26. B+  she told us about her family and her convictions... and was witty and strong...  

  27. F+

    Who cares about her family,the election isn't about her family !

    The's easy to be a computer gangsta,why don't you walk up to a black person's face & say that !

  28. F






    Selective thinking


  29. Between E and F. She speaks in an immature and snide manner. Of course, that appeals to all those hypocritical rednecks who like to drive around in their pickup trucks shooting at highway signs and small animals.

  30. A big A++,  The next time she will give Hilary a run for her money. A dam good move on cain's part.

  31. I would give her speech a B+.  

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