
How would you grade President George W. Bush on his job as president?

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A = 100%

B = 80%

C = 70%

D = 60%

F = 50%-




  1. There is no corresponding grade or evaluative equivalent for my assessment of Dubya.

    I think he should be tried for treason.

  2. F all the way.  

  3. He shouldn't get a grade, he should be expelled.  His main purpose is to support and upheld the constitution and not only has he not done that, he has completely shat all over it in an unprecedented manner.

  4. You would have to change your scale to 0-50% before I could give him an F.

  5. D.incompetent at best.

  6. a negative nine trillion

  7. B-

  8. B due to his administrations lack of communication with the public.

  9. i would have expelled him long since.

    F minus minus minus.

  10. D

    I mean.. we aren't in a nuclear war yet.. so I can't give him an F.

  11. I'll give him a D+ I guess. He has failed in just about every domestic policy that there is. Katrina is still a disaster, the dollar is weak, our debt is unbelievable, the nation is horribly divided... the list goes on. Also, opinion on the war may vary but I believe that the military accomplishments over there are negligible considering he started with an immense amount of goodwill, the worlds most advanced fighting forces, unlimited money, and an unlimited time table. I think that when they lead in to the war saying it would last only months and not cost the taxpayers much and this is where we are, it says alot about his abilities as commander-in-chief. I do, however, give him credit with the iron grip he has managed to get. It's amazing how much power and leniency he has gathered in a government which is built upon checks and balances. He has done very little that is good with all that power but the achievement is remarkable to say the least. Also, flying under the radar are some efforts he made in Africa to help the people there against disease and hunger. Kudos for that. But overall, I don't see how it could have been any worse under another candidate. I would have had any of the list of men who ran for president over the last 2 elections.

  12. Iraq + economy+executive priviledge= F

  13. 0%


  15. C+.  A little control on Congressional spending would have helped him immensely..

  16. Minus A. In fact there is no grade low enough to reflect his real grade. He broke a Constitution on many occasions (That is well documented in David Kusinich report). That constitutes a treason and is punishable by death.

  17. incomplete due to excessive absence

    Can I give him less than zero?

  18. I would give him a big, fat F!

  19. D.  The only reason I don't give him an F is his initial response to 9/11.

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