My husband and I had a disagreement today over a situation regarding my step-daughter. He has full custody of the child, and she is with me 95% of the time. I am a stay at home mom. I had a talk with my step daughter regarding her constantly being awful to her younger sister. In the conversation I told her that their father loved them the SAME and how he would never allow someone to be mean to her, nor will he allow someone to be mean to her sister. She told my husband that I said that he loved her little sister more. When she came home she admitted that she lied and said she knew that is NOT what I said. This child constantly tells hurtful, spiteful lies, and I believe she should be punished for it. His view was that he told her he didn't believe it, and that should be the end of it. Again, I am this child's primary caretaker, and I believe that I know her best. I think she should have had a consequence for lying and trying to cause conflict. What do you think?