
How would you handle a situation if toddlers where fighting ?

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  1. Get between them talk to them both get them to say sorry to each other have group hug  then distract them by you doing something with the two of them

  2. usually they will settle their differences if left alone to do so. let them fight it out unless it becomes really violent then seperate them to opposite corners of the room for 5 minutes  

  3. What are they fighting about? A toy? Try to redirect one of them to another activity. It also depends on their age. If they are old enough to understand what they're doing time out may work.

  4. i say no hitting all the time to the baby and if he disobey then comes the punishment and as the baby is young for detention i came out with a new form of detention i'd place him on the floor and keep both my feets on his sides so he won't get up and if he is older and can get himself out i'd hold his hands " no yelling no looking to him just keep watching tv or whatever while doing it for a minute or two then release him if he dose it again do it again and each time remember to tell him that you are putting him in detention because he did wrong ... and if he can say i'm sorry let him say it before releasing him .

  5. You need to add more details

    Do you mean Your toddlers

    Toddlers at daycare or preschool

    Or yours and a friends children ?

    If they were mine i would part them and sit them separately until they calm down

    If they were mine and a Friend's children talk to their mum about their behaviour and part them, make them say sorry to each other  

  6. I separate them and say "not nice to hit".   If they are fighting over a toy.  I take the toy away and nobody plays with it for a while (if its unclear who had the toy first, etc.) If one child had the toy first and the 2nd child is trying to take it from him/her I say "no, you can't take that away from kid1"    then make them share it after kid1 plays with it for a while.   they have to take turns.

  7. simple point and laugh  

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