
How would you handle public potty training accidents?

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My 2 1/2yr old son just switched from pull-ups to cloth trainers with a built-in waterproof liner. They should minimize mess for now but shifting & leaks can happen, plus he'll eventually transition to regular toddler underwear and I'm already wondering how to handle it when....for example:

-he pees on the shopping cart seat?

-he pees on my friend's new couch or carpeting?

-he pees on the swings/play-set at a public playground?

-his pee trickles down his leg to the floor in the middle of a store?

I know all the tricks for minimizing accidents (go before & after, bring a potty, ask regularly, bring a clothes change, etc.) but accidents still seem almost inevitable. We don't want to use Pull-Ups while we're out because my son thinks of them as diapers (& uses them as such) and is very excited to be done with them.

I have this mental image of myself standing in a grocery isle holding my baby in his carrier, a shopping basket set strategically out of the way, & clutching the hand of my oldest to keep him still while pee puddles at his feet and wondering whether to track pee down the isle in search of an employee or just stand there and hope one happens by soon. Any tips?




  1. Hi to be perfectly honest with you if he is peeing this much it sounds to me he is not yet ready to be toilet trained so i would sit him down and calmly tell him "as you keep weeing all the time son i'm sorry but we are going to have to put you these pants on (use the pull ups) and when you can tell mummy when you want a wee and stop wetting your pull ups then you can wear big boy undies but until you can tell me you are going to HAVE to wear the pull ups" be firm but calm and good luck.

    When you are at home let him run round with big boy undies on as long as he can get to his potty quickly he will then get the hang of it and at least then our in your own home..

  2. Well I don't think he should be on these cloth trainers yet if it's not time,like my 3 year old can tell me and has yet to have an accident...just keep him on the pull~ups longer until your about 90% it won't happen...that's what their for...put him big boy underwear over them...

  3. Don't panic,these things happen and most people are very understanding. I always take a spare set of clothes,baby wipes,and a plastic shopping bag with me. If you are uncomfotable asking for someone to clean up after an accident just take an old cloth nappy with you to clean up. once it's done the wet cloth can go into the plastic bag along with the wet clothes. If this sounds like a lot to carry around just use an oversized handbag or get a little Bob the builder or Thomas backpack for him to wear and keep his special stuff in, He will think he is very important. Good Luck.  

  4. After we trained our daughter (also at age 2 1/2), we only had one public accident.  You say, "accidents seem almost inevitable" but really that is not necessarily true.  You need to emphasize to your son that you expect him to stay dry.  I agree that you should NOT use pull-ups as that just sets him back again.  

    If you're really that worried about it, just take a backpack with you with a change of clothes and a roll of paper towels in it, and CHILL!!!

    Also, for long car trips, we put a potty chair in our van in case we need to pull over, but this has again happened only about twice.


    I am "old school", having raised 5 children, and now having 10 grandchildren.

    Some children's bodies do not mature as fast as others. You may be trying to train him too early for his system.  Patience is the key.    Reward and praise him when he is succesful in not having an accident.  Never, never berate or embarass him when he does

    He could also be painfully shy.  One of my grandaughters would let loose if someone said hello!

    Be patient, prepared, and understanding.  Good luck.

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