
How would you handle seeing a new mother breastfeeding her infant in a public place?

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There seems to be much controvercy in North America about this practice. Many women are asked to retreat to dressing rooms or washrooms to breastfeed.

What are your thoughts on this? Is it right to make a new mother retreat with her child, or do you feel that breastfeeding a baby is simply a natural function that should be accepted wherever and whenever needed?

I am interested in your thoughts as well as experiences with this matter.

thank you




  1. A lot of people are going to disagree with me on this but I also do not think breastfeeding should be done in public places.

    I work in the wedding business and just sat down with a bride & groom to go over package options. The bride brought her son along who was a bit fussy.  She busted out her boob in my office and started breastfeeding! She didn't cover with a blanket and didn't even seem to care that she was fully exposing her b*****s to a total stranger. Then she did it again before they left!

    Sorry, but I don't want to see your b***s.  

  2. I just look away and give the woman her privacy.

    I don't mind it as long as it's being done tastefully and with some modesty.

  3. I think that it's a perfectly natural thing to do and I have seen many mothers breastfeeding their infants in public. I may give a little glance but I respectfully turn away and give them respect and not a second's thought to what is going on. A kid is eating. PERIOD. What's the big deal? Why do SOME folks have to inflict their OWN prudery onto everyone else. Let THEM go eat their lunch in a restroom. YOu go right ahead and do what you need to do and if anyone objects tell them to s***w off.

    Brightest Blessings,

    Raji the Green Witch

  4. I cannot think of anything more natural, or normal.

  5. it's perfectly natural...  i hardly notice such things

  6. I would think, what a wonderful thing, and then I would move on.


  7. Hi, Rammie.

    When I still worked at an office, I had a co-worker who would bring her newborn every day.  We saw her breast-feeding many times.  It was not a big deal.  At least, nobody ever said anything.  It certainly was not a big deal to me.

    This was in southern California, though.

  8. i dont look twice at it it is a natural function that should be accepted whenever it is needed

  9. There's a lot of controversy in the US.

    Canada's pretty much accepted it as normal by now.

  10. I would ignore it.  It's a natural human function...get over it.

  11. I think it's a shame that this is even an issue. I didn't breastfeed (I've never had healthy eating habits and am anemic; I figured my babies would be better off with formula) but I know it's best for babies - and it's NATURAL! It's certainly not the fault of any baby that womens' b*****s have become nothing more than sexual objects.

  12. Sounds like people more worried about their narrow ideas of propriety that an infant eating. The mother usually will try not to be obtrusive, but even if not, those who worry over such things are usually uptight and should be ignored.  

  13. I'd think "Awwwww a new mom doing a good thing for her kid. Wish I could've breast fed... never produced enough milk, though.  Good for her".

  14. I would look away and give her some privacy.

    Besides, it's settled law, the supreme court has aready decided that breast feeding is NOT indecent.

  15. I would ask if there was room for one more (just kidding).

    There are ways of doing it without drawing unwanted attention to the feeding site. A strategically placed blanket would do the job.

  16. I agree with Jenrella, I just look away so she can have privacy.  It's not a big deal; why do people get upset over it?  It's natural.

  17. Hi Rammie!  I'm glad you asked this question.  My youngest is nine and when I was breastfeeding him, I was one of those women who would retreat to the restroom to feed him instead of eating my dinner in a restaurant with the rest of my family.  By the time I got back to eating my dinner, my food was cold and everyone else was done eating.  I hated it, but I knew that it was so good for him to breastfeed, so I just tolerated the inconvenience.

    The reason I did this was because I was actually one of those people who thought it was inappropriate for a woman to breastfeed in public places.  I didn't want to offend anyone.  Now this was BEFORE, but believe me, if I see a woman now who is breastfeeding her child, I would not have a problem with it.  And if I ever have another child, I won't be feeding him/her in the restroom.  I think it can be done discreetly and if someone has a problem with it, well then that's just their problem.  Sheesh, you see more boob on Victoria's Secret TV commercials than you do when a mom nurses her baby!

  18. That has never bothered me but she should make sure she's covered. Because there are people who's offended but also there are men who tend to get a lusting kick out of that so for sure she should cover up.

    Hey when I was a little girl in MS I remember seeing a lady breast feed her baby in church and she was sitting in the second pew and get this she wasn't covered.

    But these days I think it's best if a mother has to breast feed her baby in public she should cover up because she may not always be near a dressing or bathroom.Plus it's more private

  19. I personally see nothing wrong with it. It is a natural thing to do. If I make eye contact with the mother I would smile and nod my head. If I was close enough to speak to her, I would ask how old the kid is and probably guess the wrong s*x. Men and Women both have nipples, they are no big deal. I have seen my share of them. Babies are a precious commodity. What is the big deal? If it bothers you, move away. More then likely she would appreciate a smile and some chit-chat after being with the baby all day.


  20. I personally think breastfeeding should not be done in public places.

    Edit*** Breastfeeding is no doubt very natural function. But it is also too private and sacred.hmm

  21. as a nursing mother I would appreciate a little more understanding that my baby needs to eat when she is hungry...I cover up and never expose myself but still get the wonky eye every once in awhile...I think it is a natural thing that needs to be tolerated much more than it is...

  22. I would glance at them as I would every other person. Why shouldn't an infant be allowed to eat in public view? Lets let the people who are "oh so offended" try eating in a filthy restroom? There is nothing wrong or disgusting about breast-feeding. If b*****s were not objectified in our culture it wouldn't be a problem at all! Most mothers even use a little blanket to cover themselves. If I am ever a mother I will feed my child where I choose to!

  23. Being a mother myself, let me say..I don't think it's rude to breast feed in public, but cover up.

    Don't be at a restaurant and pull out a boobie while everyone else is trying to eat!

    That's not cool.

    I used to excuse myself to the restroom and come back with a blanket over my son and my breast!

    I would never show the world what he was chowing down on, I think that's rude.

    I do believe it should be accepted anywhere as long as you are covered!

  24. I think it is too bad that breast feeding is still seen as inappropriate I think because the breast is seen as taboo/sexual...  

  25. I am strongly FOR the action of feeding your child.  Wherever you need to do it.

    I personally sat down in a Zellers store to feed my son, because he wanted to eat NOW and who am I to tell him to starve because it would make someone else feel uncomfortable?  The only reaction I ever got was another mother saying 'they choose the funniest places to get hungry, don't they?'

    the only time I suggest not breastfeeding your child in public is if you are so uncomfortable doing so that you cannot relax and let the milk flow.  Then go somewhere else where you will be comfortable.  Everyone else- get over it.

  26. Dear Rammie, As a mother of three, I find it a beautiful sight if done gracefully.  Not only is this perfectly natural it is beneficial for both mother and child.


  27. wow I cant believe that

    breastfeed in a washroom ?


    my usual reaction is either to just carry on doing what I am doing

    or if the mother seems to be quite comfortable doing it ... I usually say " awe sweet "

    there is nothing more beautiful and natural

    and the world is mad if it feels anything is wrong with it


    I do not even think a woman should have to cover up !

    sadly people do get offended and women feel they should to save any embarrassment

    but they shouldn't have to

  28. Smile and appreciate what a heart-warming sight it is, of course, as any decent person would.  Anyone who would have a breastfeeding mother do it in a toilet deserves to be flogged until they learn some sense.

  29. It's perfectly natural and breastfeeding mothers should be able to do so whenever and wherever they choose.  However I do think that they should use a small blanket to cover up discreetly.

    What's is the American obsession with evil s*x anyway?!?!  We all got b***s, people, get over it!!


  30. I breastfed my kids so long everybody referred to me as the dairy queen. I think breastfeeding is fine in public. I did, though I tried to be modest about it. I used a blanket and wore clothing that kept me covered up.

    When people in a restaurant  say women should go into the restroom to feed their baby I say "Why don't you go in the bathroom and eat your dinner!" Breastfeeding is natural, extremely beneficial to both the mother and baby. For crying out loud! That's why we have those two things on our chest!  They are not just for guys to look at.

  31. Actually it isn't that uncommon around here... and after 3 kids of my own as a dad, I've seen it all before. Kids need their tucker.

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