
How would you handle this bullying situation?

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0 LIKES UnLike throughout the school year two gilrs were bullying my daughter. I contacted the school 6 times regarding this. The girls were "talked too" even though they have a no bullying policy but no further action was done. I contacted the super at the end of the year to tell her my frustrations anout this was handled. Basically her response was what did you want me to do? Wed one of the girls Im'd my daughter under a different user name because she blocked the original one and stated saying nasty things to her and then her friends started texting my daughter. So on Friday my daughter started receiving text messages while these girls were at a school camp saying really nasty things to her. My daughter DOES NOT go to the camp

I called the school and they took down the cell phone numbers

and the head of the camp called me and said that he will investigate it. He finally called me and said that the original girl who was bullying her put the other girl up to it and the other who is a counse




  1. Save all text messages, make note of all calls made to the school and do two things, call a lawyer and call the police. This is not fun this is dangerous. Bullying is bullying. When my son was physcially assualted and bullied off and on throughout his 2nd grade year, I tried many times to talk to the super and the principal, nothing was done. I threatened them with a lawyer, then turned around and made a police report against the boys harming my child. The bullying stopped very quickly and the few times there have been any incidents past the normal boy harrasment that boys do, I call the school and they either take care of it or I call the police. You can't wait on school adminstrators, regardless of the reasons. You give them two-three oppurtunities to fix the problem, then you call the police or a lawyer. This is your child's mental well-being, you can't wait on other people to protect it.

  2. Have you tried calling the parents of the girls since the school and camp seem to not care. The counselor should've been let go for being involved with such childish pranks. I wouldn't want her caring for my child. However make sure you keep the text messages. What you can do it go to the police and let them hand it. They will contact the owner of the phone number and advise them that the activity needs to stop and if it doesn't other legal actions will take place. You need to scare these girls into leaving your child alone. If you know of any older girls have the older girls confront these bullies and let them know that if they don't leave your child alone they will beat the mess out of them. However that route can come back to haunt you so I'd turn to the police. It seems as though these are trouble girls anyway so let the police handle it.

  3. I am sorry to hear that your child is suffering from being bullied. I kno that feelin all to well. My nine-year old was being bullied as well. Since the teachers and super haven't done anything, I would go their parents. Some may say it is the wrong thing to do, but coming from personal experiences, I would go have a talk with them. Of course they will say not my daughte, and just continue to be nice about the situation. If that doesn't work, I suggest u and ur daughter start playind dirty. Good Luck!

  4. Cyber-bullying is illegal.  I've linked you to a site that explains your child's legal rights.

    Be sure to save the text messages, howevver, for her peace of mind, get her another phone with a different number.  You keep track of the texts.  Then you can report the bullying to the police and take legal action.

    Hang in there.

    All the best.

  5. I would try to get a hold of the girls parents and let them know what was going on. Just keep encouraging your child and let them know its not there fault, Bullying is usually a jealousy issue one kid has for another. It could also be that this kid is having trouble at home. Don't give up with the school, i cant believe there only talking to the kids. that doesn't do any good. just keep positive and pay close attention to your kids and make sure they don't get too depressed about this. bullying isn't easy to deal with. good luck.

  6. Sorry, but it's time for your daughter to earn her respect. I  don't condone violence. However, when you have exhausted all means of civility it's time to beat the breaks off'a somebody.

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