
How would you have booked WWF's InVasion storyline?

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If you had all the same people (not bringing in anybody who wasn't there for it) how would you have booked it so it wasn't such an abysmal failure?

Would Test have won the immunity battle royal?

Would Steve Austin and Kurt Angle joined WCW/ECW?

Would you have had Shane McMahon in the Survivor Series?

Would you have had DDP be Undertaker's stalker?

Would you have had The Alliance job to WWF as much?

How would you have handled all 8 championships?

(I think at the time there was WWF belt, WCW belt, WCW US title, WWF IC title, WCW Cruiserweight, WWF tag team title, WCW tag team title, and WWF hardcore title - that's too much!)

Most interesting/competent storyline gets Best Answer and 10 points!!




  1. i thought it mioght have being better if it was austin not angle who helped wwe win that match or better still have wcw team win. if i was in charge i wouldnt even have test in the company never mind win the battle royal that storyline sucked for a whole year.shane mcmahon should not have being in match i think y2j should have joined wcw cos he had a serious feud with the rock at that time.ddp as undertakers stalker! he couldnt lace undertakers boots never mind being his stalker.the alliance were rubbish so yes and they should have put the titles together sooner and had 5 titles, world,ic,tag,hardcore and cruser.

  2. Well the only thing I remember about that then is Stone Cold beating up Booker T in a Grocery Store.

  3. there's never enough titles when you gotta war on your hands dude so I would have asked to keep all titles open in my by out plus add the NWA World Heavy weight title, NWA woman's Title, NWA World Tag Team title and only use the ECW Hardcore title as my hardcore belt.

    Since the XFL was a bombshell I might try to promote a 24 hour wrestling network since I can do that right and got got the talent to handle that along with keeping the ECW House of Hardcore open along with Funk U and the WCW Wrestling school open as well as our own in the WWE / WWF

    My goal is to make wrestling as big as boxing by having unified champions or 1 champion having all 3 titles like Ultimo Dragon did once before  

  4. I'd handle it much better than Vince that's for sure.

    Vince fed the crowd what HE wanted to see, and not necessarily what they wanted to see. It wasn't all about jobbing WCW talent to the WWF, it was more about burying each and every one of them. Booker T never stood a chance against The Rock, DDP was squashed by The Undertaker and Kane in a steel cage when Kanyon ran away. It only seemed like they cared about RVD from the InVasion angle.

    Since it was such a brutal Attitude Era, I would have made those ECW guys like Tommy Dreamer, RVD, Mike Awesome etc seem EXTREME and used as henchmen to destroy WWF talent, not job to them and work in comical storylines. I would have put together a cruiserweight division between the WWF and WCW cruiserweights instead of whatever Vince did.

    Vince didn't let any of his guys seem weak and that is what made the storyline such a flop. It was so bad, that after he buried all the talent, he made Austin and Angle jump over to the Alliance and for they could s***w the Alliance? It just didn't make sense.

    If anything, guys like Rhino, Raven, Lance Storm etc could have been used better. There was so much wrong with that storyline that it's not even funny.

  5. I would have utilized some of the talent that they didn'tt push as much. They seemed to want to push more of the already established WWE guys and give the WCW/ECW guys raw deals. I would have pushed some of the ECW talent such as Raven and Mike Awesome and not put them into foolish matches with Jerry Lawler. Also Stone Cold and Angle going to WCW was horrible. Stone Cold hated working for WCW and he has said so many times because they didnt treat him right. DDP stalking the Undertakers then wife was not true to who DDP was. The other promotions had so many good wrestlers that the WWE didn't want them to outshine current stars, plus when they pushed Test it was just not good buisness, the guy is hard to work with and that is why his last stint in WWE and in TNA were very short lived. The only matches that were good were the RVD/Jeff Hardy matches, those were very good.

    Here is the final Survivor Series match in my opinion:

    WCW/ECW vs. WWE

    DDP, Raven, Booker T, Mike Awesome and RVD vs. Undertaker, Kane, Kurt Angle, the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin

    I say this because everyman in that match was either a WWE, WCW or ECW champion and it would have made a great match. Also Vince should have bought out the contract for Sting and Goldberg and used them accordinling.  

  6. I would have kept WCW as a separate brand as to still continue the "monday night war". And have stars from each brand on compete in each others show, wouldnt it have been cool to see rock, austin on nitro? or 4 horsemen take on dx on raw? I guess overall it could have been promoted better

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