
How would you have handled this situation? Do you support my Nieces decision? DEA - Issue?

by Guest21237  |  earlier

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How would you have handled this situation? Do you support my Nieces decision?

My Niece has decided Not to allow her Husbands Parents to see their Grandchild anymore. ( at least not at their Home)

My Niece kicked her husband out of the house recently because he was trying to grow Marijuana plants in a closet at their home.

My Niece asked him to dispose of them, he refused, so she told him to leave and take his plants with him.

He did and moved in with his parents, where he continued to grow them in the basement, with their full knowledge.

While they were separated he would come to get their child for visitations and bring him back to the Grandparents home.

My Niece had clearly said that she didn't want her child around the "plants" or in the same house where they were growing.

The Grandparents and Her Husband lied to her for 6 months about the fact that they were growing weed in the basement.

When she discovered the plants ( in the GP home), she was very upset and confronted them about it.

My Niece told them, that if they wanted to put themselves in jeopardy that was their business, but she was not going to allow her Child to be potentially taken into protective custody because of their bad judgment.

So Now because they have clearly demonstrated Bad Judgment, she has also decided that they cannot see her child.

They are saying it's unfair, I personally agree with my Niece.

What is your Opinion ?

How can my Niece further protect herself and her child legally?




  1. I support your necies desicon a child should not be around bad things of that need sole custody of your child so she does not have to be involed with your husband or his family.If she were to continue seeeing something like that the child  would grow up thinking thats right at an elary age and end up getting on the wrong path in life

  2. The best interests of the child should be paramount.  If your niece feels that exposure to her husband and his parents might be detrimental to her well-being, I think she is completely justified.

    I very strongly urge your niece to speak with an attorney as soon as possible in order to get out in front of this.  She shouldn't assume that her husband and his parents have not already spoken with an attorney.

  3. Yea your niece is completely justified in her decision. She is thinking that she could lose her kid to Child Protective Services if they cops were to roll in their and see the plants. She is right for looking out for the well fare of her child. She needs to explain this to the grandparents and if they want to see their granchild they either need to get rid of plants or go over to your niece's house and visit. Thats rediculous that they allow their son to do illegal acts in their home.  

  4. Absolutely I would make sure she had sole custody too with watched visitations from him maybe. If he cared or the Gp did this would not be goiung on. Chilfdren first. I would be freaked he might drive with that child in the car-if he doesn't want to signover custody then I would threaten knowledge of his doings to the authorities to get it done.

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