
How would you help a mental illness where you are afraid of youreself?

by  |  earlier

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So for the past year or so I have been getting very aware that I have a problem. I went to a doctor and he announced that I have a not so well known case of autophobia.

Autophobia can be a fear of being alone, but I have the fear of myself.

I am afraid of holding something as simple as a car key! I hate looking in a mirror because I don't see me, I see something completely different.

Almost something like a monster. I am afraid that I will harm somebody with anything really. I can't cook,clean,drive, or even use something as simple as a pencil with out getting nervous.

Any ideas of how to help my situation?




  1. Get to a psychiatrist, you sound like you are dissociative. Very bad. There is medication that can help

  2. I would seek a doctor specializing in mental disorders, plain and simple

  3. If you are afraid you will harm yourself or thers, you should go immediately to the ER of your local hospital. Tell them what you typed here. You will get immediate help. Good luck to you

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