
How would you humanely kill a bullfrog?

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Bullfrogs are NOT native in our neck of the woods. They are an introduced species, which is HIGHLY detrimental to our native frogs. Some of the native frogs on our farm are quiet rare.

We were completely horrified to find two bullfrogs on our property. We plan to go out at night with a flashlight and catch them, but then how to humanely kill them?

We have concidered simply placing them in a box, and putting them into our freezer. They should fall asleep, and then freeze to death. Any other sugestions?




  1. Considering where you live, and if it was me, the first thing I'd do would be to contact the local agricultural extension agency to see if they have a program for rounding them up and relocating them--back to the south and east of the Rockies!!  Seriously, the agricultural authority in your area (or a nearby college or university) may have some type of program to eradicate them from your area, or a "round up" program.  (Schools in the area may be willing to catch them to dissect in biology classes.)

    IF none of that works out, you could either shoot them (use a BB gun with pointed pellets to the skull), or "whack" them with a shovel, but I wouldn't do either in the water/their habitat, since their skin secretions might have a negative impact on other species in the area.  The shovel method would be messy, but at least it would be quick!

    Good luck!

  2. Whatever you do, don't freeze them! They are not like lobster! It can be very painful for them. The most humane thing would be to trap them, then drive them somewhere else.

    ETA- if there is no problem with catching them, why are you being so rude? I offered my help and was very polite about it, then you get snappy back. If you are saying that you can catch them, but you dont want to shoot them at night, then dont! Just wait till the morning then if it bothers you that much! Gosh. I am very offended by your lack of professionalism and niceness. It is not nice to claim someone as a person who "obviously doesn't know much about frogs" in a negative way.  I could say you don't know much about frogs, considering the fact that you thought it was humane to freeze them!

    Jeesh, have some manners.

  3. As opposed to popular belief, freezing certain kinds of animals especially those that live most of their time in the water is extremely painful.  I would suggest collecting them in a cooler.  --And not to be mean-- I would shoot them in the day light from a safe distance so the bullets don't ricochet

    Use them as target practice.

  4. whenever you see a frog, go near it slowly (i am assuming that it is a slow creature coz you pick them easily) , start tickling it, it would start laughing and will look at you, ask one of your friends to come from its behind and use a chloroform laden hanky and make it unconcious, then use pioson injection on it.

  5. I think the Australians either freeze them or use cold cream.  They have the same problem with cane toads.

  6. shooting them wud be the best idea....dis isnt like ur old family dog...u cnt get hundreds of frogs 'humanely uthenized'

    so tell me wud u rather hav sm1 shoot u n pass away in an instant or slowly freeze 2 death in the arctic

  7. shoot them, its faster and more humane then freezing them, and you live in the woods so you should have a rifle or something.

  8. Freezing  won't kill most amphibians. When there body touches ice, it triggers a series of changes in there bodies, that allows there whole body to freeze at once, so there is no damage to it. In short, if you freeze them, you will have to kill them  some other way afterwords. I'd just hit them in the head, quick, painless.  They don't  have a cerebrum any how, and I know I'll get a lot of thumbs down for saying this, so they don't fee pain the same way that higher animals do.

    oh yea, air rifle works  great, and is of less danger to other animals than a .22.

  9. WHAT? They're there now whether introduced or not. I wouldn't kill them. Bring them to the pet shoppe.

  10. do some research  on what attracts them and why they're arriving talk to your local EPA and/ecology dpartment..

    in the meantime catch what you can and either sell them to a pet shop or a school's biology shop...

    although I disagree with killing them maybe this would be feasible... who knows maybe some kids just dropped them off

  11. Here is a fairly humane way. Place them in a container that is air tight and can be sealed up. Take a rag, soak it in Starting Fluid (petroleum ether) place the rag in the container with the frogs and them seal the container. You will be literally putting them to sleep.

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