
How would you interpret this, "I keep my voluteerism to organizations that I believe are not beyond help."

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  1. Websters dictionary gives for "beyond help" = outside of reach, possibility, or understanding of.

    My guess is that they'd rather volunteer for something that they feel more comfortable with.

  2. I interpret it as, you volunteer at organizations that have a chance at doing or changing something.

  3. while all those are answers I agree with, here is my take on it:

    I will put my time where it will make a change for the better,and will that change will make a difference towards the goal of the organization I am volunteering at.

    Like for example, I would volunteer at an animal shelter ( something I am CLOSE TO, ) by the way, versus an aids awareness thing. Why?

    so long as AIDS is incurable, why waste my time with anything to do with it?

    same with breast cancer. Til there is a "cure", why waste my time with any organizations that promote a cure?

    I see homelessness, ( i was once there, with my kids, BTW),

    and I see rape and murder.

    I see animals who are abused,and I can make a difference with them, where as I cant make a difference with breast cancer research.

    Til there IS a cure,why bother? That is what I think that statement means.

  4. It implies nothing about your organization, but rather what that person thinks of your organization. It also reveals a little about their personal philosophy (although the statement itself is common sense). I'll start with what the statement means, and then move on. "I keep my volunteerism to organizations that I believe are not beyond help" means that if this person does not think that your organization can last long enough to achieve its goals, they will not attempt to help it achieve its goals. It means that if the person sees an organization they feel can last long enough to achieve its goals, even if it is near collapsing, they will help it wherever it needs help in order to keep it from collapsing. For example, let's assume there is a homeless shelter. It’s in financial trouble, and is making various efforts to try to get out (of trouble). If one of those efforts uses fundraisers, the person who made the statement would watch how well the fundraisers were organized, publicized, etc., and if they failed, would try to determine if there were some way to compensate for, or even prevent, the failings in future fundraisers. If this person decided there was a way, they would volunteer to help, and suggest their, well...suggestions. If this person determined there was nothing that could be done, they would let the place fall, and possibly find another shelter that could be helped. What this means for your business is that this person has observed at least one major problem, and decided that this problem cannot be fixed, and will ultimately lead to your organization's collapse financially, structurally, or in some other way. As such, you should be fairly offended, as they feel that you are somehow operating under par, and that no matter what, you will fail at whatever your organization is trying to do.

  5. It brings to mind an old Beatle line that said...

    " If you want money for people with minds that hate, well all i can tell you brother is, that you'll have to wait! "

  6. I interpret to mean that some organizations are not going to do well (for whatever reason) and people would rather put their effort where it will count.

  7. My view on this is that : "  I will use my volunteer time in an appropriate way, that will make a difference for the better."

  8. That the person realizes their limitations and wants to be able to productively use their time rather than waste it simply to be associated with a certain organization.

    Hey baby seals are cute and all, but I never ran across one during the day, however I do see homelessness, I do see the environment being overcome with waste.

    Maybe they mean something like that.

  9. I would interpret it as a very sensible remark.

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