
How would you interpret this? What would you do if you were me?

by Guest55990  |  earlier

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okay so here's the background:

*I'm 18

*my best friend is 27 (i'll call him james)

*his brother is 32 (i'll call him bob)

Okay, i've been friends with james for about 5 years and have met his brother two or three times in the past. Sunday i spent the day with bob and his 4 kids because i had nothing better to do and we were all outside. Bob asked me about my claddagh ring and was talking about how much he hates his wife and how bitter the divorce is getting. Apparently he's been staying with James lately. Anyways, at the end of the day, me, james, and bob all got in a huge water fight which bob won by a landslide. me and james were drenched head to toe. I went inside and got changed (i live next door to james). When I came out, bob gave me his number and said to give him a call and we could go do something. I'm not sure if that means he wants to hook up or just hang out as friends. I mean there's a HUGE age gap and the wrong interpretation could totally s***w things up between me and james. I don't want to lose my best friend by upsetting his older brother. ya know? So what do you think bob wants: friends or more? what would you do if you were me? i mean age is just a number and all but he has a son that's 3 years younger than me which is kind of touchy for me.




  1. You need to find some friends your own age. A man that is 32 is just a little too old be want a girl your age to just be his friend. He wants more, probably. Besides, as you said, he is not even divorced (trouble) need to run kid.

  2. Start shagging his son?

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