
How would you interpret this from a colleague at the office?

by Guest32637  |  earlier

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I was in a group meeting in our office with all management staff. One of the managers had a schedule for the following day which showed that I had an appointment to meet with the new group of hires. ( we all had appts, but nothing was emailed or discussed to me. This form clearly had be noted at 10-10:30 am the next business. Now that you know the premise of my question I will move on.

When I noted this I asked the woman who had the schedule if I may see it as I was not asked if I was available or had other scheduled appts. THe lady held up her hand said "no" and proceeded to comment that is wasn't completed and this was a "rough draft". I asked her when I could review it to confirm my availability she ignored me. I didn't get any formal request from my time, what I got was the finalized schedule on my desk when I came back from lunch. I still showed the same time schedule that this woman would not let me look at...

Is this just inconsiderate and rude?




  1. Maybe you were inadvertently left out of the emailing or she assumed that you were free.  You probably should have tried to catch her when she left the room.  If she is a manager on the same level as you are, you can see her later on and tell her you want to be told about something that requires you to do a specific thing at a specific time.  If she is higher up, she probably doesn't want to get in a big discussion with everybody questioning the schedule and wanting to change it.

    Check around quietly and see if other people were emailed.  Then see if your name is on the to: line.  If not, go to her and remind her to add you.  

    Even if it was inconsiderate and rude (done deliberately), staying upset isn't going to help your performance and "confronting" her won't make her be more considerate toward you.  It's work and everything isn't always sweetness and light in that sort of situation.

  2. Did you have another Appt scheduled?  if so, contact her and let her know that you are busy at that time and have her reschedule with someone else.  also make sure with her that your email address is on her mail list. And if you didn't have another appt scheduled, proceed with the one she scheduled for  you, do confront her but not in an unprofessional way.  Make sure it is clear that your time is valuable too and you can't always accomadate appts that she does not ask you about.  Also ask her why nothing was sent to you before hand.  But remember kill her with kindness.  If it remains a problem go to yours and hers supervisor to solve whatever issue she has

  3. Yes, it was rude. She was being dismissive towards you. She should've spared the "talk to the hand" attitude and said "sure, but keep in mind this is just a rough draft."  

  4. Yes and yes. It's also very unprofessional but I've seen this before in today's workplace. In fact, it feels like a complete breakdown in the workplace. I don't understand it. What is the big secrecy? It sounds to me based on this alone that she is incompetent and lazy. I have to do a schedule myself but I'm going to communicate well in advance with my reps. It means more work ultimately but so it goes. Some people are just very lazy, I think or just not adept at their jobs. It seems a simple matter to me. It requires coordination which means work.

    I don't know what can be done about it but you're not alone if that's any consolation.

    edit: It's worse that she's a manager. She's unprofessional at best.

    edit: Even my managers don't assume they know what's on my schedule. They always ask me. They usually preface it by, I don't know what's on your agenda today, but do you think you would have time...?

  5. Allow me to play the devil's advocate and speak for that lady.  I am an executive assistant and have to schedule meetings with numerous staff members.  We use outlook and if each person has given me access to their calendar, I can view and see if they are available or not.  But, even then that doesn't work.

    So, since I work for the CEO, I have a little more advantage to override someone's appt.  But, I always try to accomodate everyone's schedule but that is very hard to do.

    So, you pick the best day/time and then send out the notice.

    But, tell me, is this mtg something that occurs on a regular basis?  Same time and day?  If so, maybe eveyone could take turns.

    I'd also suggest that if this mtg isn't good for you, then you should ask if it can be changed.

    So, I think that is the answer for you --- COMPROMISE.


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